Taijiquan Sabah

Intensive Taijiquan Course, Sabah 2013

Dear Sigung,

Thank you so very much for the Intensive Chi Kung and the Intensive Tai Chi Chuan courses in Sabah!

Your courses are always outstanding and anytime I leave one I think "it can't get better than this" and then at the next course it always does! I am very grateful to be a part of your school and to have been accepted to these very special intensive courses that were just beyond words.

The Intensive Chi Kung course, was so new even though I have learned a lot of the things before in some of your other courses, but I found new depth to all of those things and I see even more clearly your multilevel teaching and I know I will always be able to take something new and even more profound from any course that I've taken before and it gives me a wonderful feeling of how much more beautiful things there are to come!

The Intensive Tai Chi Chuan course was so far the best of the Tai Chi Chuan and Shaolin Kung Fu courses I’ve taken. It was everything I'd hoped for and then so much more. It didn't feel like 5 days, it felt like 3 months and considering how much I learned it probably was more like years. I was so glad we did so many partner exercises because as I mentioned over dinner this is something I really want to improve. That's why I'm also so very grateful for your training advice during dinner, thank you so much again!

I also want to thank you for the opportunity to become an assistant instructor to my Sifu and for your and my Sifu's trust! This is really special to me because I think there is no greater thing one can do than pass on arts, that allow people to heal themselves, become healthy and vital, give people wonderful skills for combat and daily life as well as spiritual cultivation and being allowed to assist my Sifu from time to time is just a wonderful step in this direction. Thank you so much!

I also again want to thank you for your advice, when I wrote to you! I took the intuitive approach in asking the cosmos, which was very new to me. And at first it seemed like there was no answer. But then I realized at the courses in Austria surrounded by so many caring Wahnam family members whose advice was based on what they think is best for me and for the people that I one day would like to help in the future, that there couldn't be a better and more direct sign from the universe for me and I also understood your note in the e-mail that said if I choose the intuitive way I will have to accept whatever the answer might be.

So at that point everything you had written started to make perfect sense to me. I am now feeling better about continuing my studies and I am looking forward to attending your next healing course, for which I am so grateful that you already invited me to. I'm sure a combination of my studies and these healing skills and our arts will allow me to help many people and this enhanced goal also makes the studying easier for me. Thank you so much!

I was also very excited to hear about the doctors from West Malaysia coming to the Intensive Chi Kung course to find out more about your teachings and I actually ended up talking to them for a while the next day at breakfast. It was really nice to meet some doctors interested and open to your teachings, because they are looking for better ways to help their patients.

Yet again I feel even more blessed to have found this school and that we have such a wonderful grandmaster generous enough to pass on skills and arts that benefit all of us! I know I'll never find enough words to express my gratitude so I continue in sending you thanks and blessing through my practice and by just writing these simple words. Thank you!

Best regards,
Evelyn Baumann

Evelyn, Taijiquan Tai Chi chuan

Evelyn in the foreground performing Taijiquan in Gutenstein, Austria



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