The video shows how you can use Eagle Claw Kungfu in handling kicks.

Retreat to False-Leg Stance when your opponent kicks at you, and hit his kicking leg. This technique can be found in Sequence 8, "Pai Pou Hang" or "Side Step Movement", of the 50 Sequences of Eagle Claw.

If you wish to use these techniques in sparring, practice them from the video. Initially, the movements should be performed slowly, paying attention to correct stances and hand-forms. Gradually increase the speed and power. You should practice Topic 2 and Topic 5 before practicing the sequences in this video.

Examples of easier sequences in Topic 2 will be very helpful. "Side Step Movement", "Lift Strike" and "Side Punch", which are Sequences 8, 2 and 3 of the 50 Eagle Claw Sequences, are found in the easier sequences. "Stroke Eye-Brown" which is a reverse eagle-claw, and "Eagle Claw Strength Grip Technique", which is gripping an opponent's throat with an eagle-claw, are found in Sequences 27 and 40.

Please click the picture or the caption below to view the video

Using Eagle Claw Kungfu to Handle Kicks from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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