Free Sparring

Most kungfu practitioners today cannot effectively use their kungfu techniques to spar or fight. Some kungfu practitioners may be formidable fighters but what they use are not typical kungfu patterns which they may perform beautifully in solo practice; they often use techniques from Taekwondo and Kickboxing.

Then, how could Eugene and Anthony free spar using typical kungfu techniques and skills, as shown in this video clip, where all their movements are spontaneous. The answer is straight-forward. They have been systematically trained to do so.

Anyone who has undergone systematic combat application using kungfu techniques and skills will also be able to do so. In kungfu history all kungfu practitioners in the past used their kungfu techniques and skills for fighting; they did not use Taekwondo, Kickboxing or freestyle.

This video clip also shows two skillful thrust kicks executed by Eugene. Anthony is well trained too, or else he would be hit by these two thrust kicks. In real fights, despite their elegant appearance thrust kicks, like the ones by Eugene shown here, can be very destructive especially when kicked at the solar plexus.

The size of the video clip is 1100 KB.

Click here to download.


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