Taijiquan on the Blue Mountain Part 9 — Life (Almost)
8th to 12th March 2009


Wahnam Taijiquan

A lot of movements in Taijiquan are from the waist and not from the hands

"Chin-na", an art of disabling opponents by using special ways of gripping, is an important aspect of Taijiquan, but not many Taijiquan practitioners may realize it. "Double Dragons Play with Pearl" and "Pushing Boat According to the Current of Flow" are two examples of chin-na techniques in Taijiquan. In "Double Dragon" the main movement comes from the waist and not from the hands. In "Pushing Boat" the palm of one hand should be placed on the wrist of the other hand, and not on the other palm.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Play with Pearl Without Moving Hands Play with Pearl
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Turn Around Immortal Waves Sleeves Wrist, not Fingers
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Press at Arm Push from Back Leg Push Boat
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Rotation of Waist Immortal Waves Sleeves Double Dragons Play with Pearl
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Push Boat According to Current Pushing Boat

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

Chin-Na Tecbniques in Double Dragons and Push Boat in Wahnam Taijiquan from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


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