Triple Strecth

"Ta Sei Moon" or "Striking Four Gates" is a very important aspect of the set

This is the third part of the Triple Stretch Set, which consists of four combat sequences, with each sequence performed four times, hence the name Ta Sei Moon or Striking Four Gates, which actually means performing the same combat sequence four times in four directions. Ta Sei Moon is a characteristic feature of many Hoong Ka sets. Here the first two combat sequences are shown.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Triple Stretch Triple Stretch Triple Stretch
Comet Chases Moon Individual Practice Individual Practice
Triple Stretch Triple Stretch Triple Stretch
Comet Chases Moon Striking Four Gates Bottom Scissor-Hands
Triple Stretch Triple Stretch Triple Stretch
Double Planting of Flowers Striking Four Gates Striking Four Gates

You can view all the above videos here. Please click the picture or the caption below.

Ta Sei Moon or Striking Four Gates of Shaolin Triple Stretch Set from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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