Shaolin Kungfu

Using the shoot in a real fight where safety rules do not apply, is sucidal

Now you move your counter from Point 2 to Point 1. In other words, you counter an opponent before he has reached you with his shoot. "Green Dragon Shoots Pearl" and "Double Dragon Plays with Pearl" are useful patterns for the counter. These patterns may maim or kill an opponent, showing that applying the shoot in a real fight without safety rules is suicidal.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Monkey Plucks Coconut Lazy Monkey Rolls Over Class Practice
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Class Practice Monkey Plucks Coconut Lazy Monkey Rolls Over
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Counter at Point 1 Green Dragon Shoots Pearl
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Class Practice Side Step and Strike
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Class Practice Class Practice Double Dragons Play with Pearl

You can view all the above videos here



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