Shaolin Kungfu

Grandmaster Wong hooks Sifu Pablo's leg with "Sweep Leaves Search Fruit"

We proceed from countering at Point 2, when an opponent’s attack is in progress, to countering at Point 1, when he has just started his attack. An effective technique is to hook his kicking leg using the pattern "Sweep Leaves Search Fruit", followed by felling him onto the ground and finished with a decisive strike. Many martial artists would not know what to do when their kicking leg is being hooked. But this doesn't mean you can be complacent or careless.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Counter at Point 2 Fierce Tiger Claws Sand Counter at Point 1
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Sweep Leaves Search Fruit Counter at Point 1 Secret of the Hook
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Hooking Opponent's Leg Hook and Fell Sweep Leaves Search Fruit
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Hook and Fell Sweep Leave search Fruit Fell Opponent from Behind

You can view all the above videos here



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