
Shaolin Umbrella

Swallow Flies through Clouds

Some kungfu weapons are derived from everyday tools, like the umbrella. This umbrella set is known as Shaolin Through-Cloud Umbrella Set, or Siu Lam Chuin Wan San in Chinese (Cantonese).

Untrained persons often used an umbrella for hitting, which is not damaging to opponents as the body of an umbrella is cushioned by its bendable ribs and cloth. The destructive aspects of an umbrella are its tips and its handle. Hence, an umbrella is used like a sword, a spear, a rod, a staff, and a hook.

The umbrella set here is performed by Cheong Huat Seng, an old disciple of Grandmaster Wong. He learned it from Grandmaster Wong about 30 years ago at the Shaolin Wahnam Association in Sungai Petani, Malaysia. It is also inspiring to know that Cheong Huat Seng is 64 years in age, though he is actually healthier and fitter than many people below 50!

The whole set is presented completely below as well as in six parts for easy downloading and learning.

26th April 2013.
Sungai Petani.

You can also view the complete video at YouTube

Please Note : You can download video clips onto your own computer and view them at your leisure. Place your computer pointer at the pictures or the links, and right click. Choose “Save Target As”. Select the directory or sub-directory where you wish to keep the video clip. Click “Save”.

Through-Cloud Umbrella Set

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Whole Set

The size of the video clip is 14.3 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 1

The size of the video clip is 3.1 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 2

The size of the video clip is 1.6 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 3

The size of the video clip is 2.1 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 4

The size of the video clip is 2.3 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 5

The size of the video clip is 1.7 mb

Click here to download.

shaolin umbrella

Shaolin Umbrella – Sequence 6

The size of the video clip is 1.6 mb

Click here to download.

You can view all the videos here by clicking the picture below or clicking the caption

Shaolin Through-Clouds Umbrella 2014 from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Umbrella Set in Pictures

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