
18 Jewels

    1. Double Dragons in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 雙龍出海
    2. Fish Flip in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 鯉魚打挺
    3. Dancing Fairy in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 仙女起舞
    4. Swinging Hips in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 青龍擺尾
    5. Bear Walk in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 黑熊探路
    6. Touching Toes in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 羅漢摸地
    7. Dragonfly Plays with Water in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 蜻蜓戲水
    8. White Crane Steps on Show in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 白鶴踏雪
    9. Drumming Kidneys in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 張果擊鼓
    10. Immortal Takes off Shoes in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 仙人脫靴
    11. Old Man Rows Boat in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 老人划舟
    12. Shaking Fingers in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 二雀雙飛
    13. Rocking Feet in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 一苇渡江
    14. Kicking Legs in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 白鶴踢腿
    15. Hola Hoop in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 玉带圍腰
    16. General Surveys Fields in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 將軍觀場
    17. Dancing Butterfly in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 蝶舞花前
    18. Embracing Buddha in Chinese (Cantonese Peonunciation) 懷中抱佛


18 Jewels -- Picture Series
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