This, to me, is the most representative of the Tantui 12 Sequences. It is difficult for many people to believe that if one knows its combat application, he can use this sequence on an opponent irrespective of how the opponent responds!

More than 50 years ago when I was learning Southern Shaolin Kungfu from Uncle Righteousness, a schoolmate, who later became the Grandmaster of Chin Woo Kungfu Association in Georgetown, Penang, told me that a Karate master came to challenge an old Tantui master, who asked his most senior student to take the challenge. Whenever the senior student used this sequence on the Karate master, he drove the Karate master to a wall. The climax of the true story was that the senior student did not have prior sparring experience!

If you take 2 weeks to learn each Tantui sequence, you would complete the 12 Tantui sequences in 3 months. Pay careful attention to the stances and hand forms when you learn this sequence. You must be relaxed as you perform the sequence.

Please click the picture or the caption below to view the video

Tantui Sequence 1 -- Thrust Punch from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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