Creation versus Evolution

Dr Damian Kissey
Senior Disciple of Grandmaster Wong
Shaolin Wahnam Sabah, Malaysia

Grandmaster Wong and Dr Damian

Grandmaster Wong and Dr Damian smiling broadly

The following discussion is reproduced from the thread God versus Science in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum on 20th November 2008.

Evolution: the Monkey Perspective

Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree
Discussing things as they're said to be.
Said one to the others, "Now listen, you two,
There's a certain rumor that can't be true.
That man descended from our noble race --
The very idea! It's a dire disgrace.

No monkey ever deserted his wife,
Starved her babies and ruined her life,
And you've never known a mother monk
To leave her babies with others to bunk,
Or pass them on from one to another
'Til they hardly know who is their mother.

And another thing! You will never see ...
A monk build a fence 'round a coconut tree
And let the coconuts go to waste,
Forbidding all other monks to taste.
Why, if I put a fence around the tree,
Starvation would force you to steal from me.

Here's another thing a monk won't do ...
Go out at night and get on a stew,
Or use a gun or club or knife
To take some other monkey's life,
Yes, Man descended, the ornery cuss ...
But brother he didn't descend from us!

Damian Kissey (quoting from an anonymous author)
Shaolin Wahnam Sabah, Malaysia


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