Tapping Energy from the Cosmos
Question 1
Despite all of the challenges and restrictions, we have mostly been able to make the most of the situation and genuinely enjoy much of the year.
With the Copthorne now gone, has Wei Foong already been able to identify an alternative venue?
— Sifu Andrew Barnett, Shaolin Wahnam Switzerland
2021 has many challenges. (This issue is only released now.) It is when we can bring out the best in our Shaolin Wahnam arts. As expected, you have met and will meet the challenges very well.
2022 will be different. I haven't made any preparations yet. All your suggestions will be implemented, i.e. sharing meals with me, listening to my stories, asking questions, impromptu demonstrations, and sharing my company.
Formal courses will carry on, but most probably I shall stay in Malaysia and travel to other countries occasionally. Switzerland is my favourite country; it is also Simu's favourite country. We will find time to visit you and your family.
Wei Foong has not found another hotel similar to Copthorne. It is indeed a pity that Copthorne is not functioning.
We wish you and your family continued health and happiness.
Question 2
I have been reading your book on Tai Chi Chuan that claims to be a self-teaching manual.
— Brandon, USA
Tai Chi Chuan (spelt as "Taijiquan" in Romanized Chinese) are advised to take the Intensive Taijiquan Course from me, or else they may not know how to enter "Tao".
It is advisable to practice Tai Chi Chuan well.
Most people do not spend much time on Zhan Zhuang or stance training. Some even leave it out altogether. But in Shaolin Wahnam, we find Zhan Zhuang very important. It is where we develop internal force. You should spend some time on Zhan Zhuang.
Generally it is better to focus on one aspect than to branch out over time, but as you have some martial art experience, you will progress faster than other people.

The "Three-Circle Stance" is very important in "Zhan Zhuang"
Question 3
I have not taken any, and I do not want to. I believe in my training and gut instincts.
Lisa took the vaccination because her work with NSW Health mandated it. She complained of a weird feeling in the chest since she took it about a month ago.
I am currently under immense pressure from family and society in general as over 93% of eligible residents in NSW have taken one of the vaccines. If you don't take your vaccine, your passport is no longer valid.
— Troy, Australia
The vaccination problem has troubled many people. As today Western medication is prominent, vaccination is useful though I am against it. I myself had two shots, but they didn't bother me. I felt alright after the shots.
Lisa took the vaccination and felt something weird in her chest some time ago. She should be alright by now.
Our chi kung is sufficient against vaccination. It will also give us good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. "Accomplished in the Shaolin arts --- and our chi kung comes from Shaolin --- is better than changing stones to gold" says a proverb.
I overcame cancer more than 20 years ago, at a time when my chi kung was a portion of what it is now. A lady suffering from cancer told me she would die any time, but she knew very well she would live if she practiced my chi kung. She overcame her cancer. At first I thought she exaggerated, but now I realize the truth. When there is chi, there is life.
Question 4
What are the 3 most important qualities a good leader should have?
— Sifu Santi Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Alicante
The three most important qualities a good leader should have are as follows:
1. He himself must be an example to be followed. For example, if he practices chi kung, he should practice chi kung, not just knowing theoretically what chi kung is.
He should also pursue spiritual cultivation, as I believe spiritual cultivation is the highest realm of cultivation.
2. He should have a clear conscience. If he makes mistakes, he should have the courage to correct his mistakes.
3. He should lead by examples. He should not be just full of knowledge. He should have wisdom.

Cosmic Shower
Question 5
In many of your courses, in certain parts of the practice, you emphasize on the instruction: "feel really feel". For example, during a spiritual practice like Cosmic Shower you might say "feel how wonderful it is to be alive" or "feel, really feel, how relaxed, cheerful and happy you are".
Feeling is "the language of the heart", while thinking is the language of the brain. I believe that feeling is very important -- more important than thinking.
Feeling is very important in our practice and progress. In practice, it is how a person feels, rather than what he thinks, that is crucial. We have a kind person, rather than a knowledgable person, in practice.
In progress, how a person feels is eminent. If he feels evil, he may lead to disastrous happenings though he may have the ability.
Question 6
You often mention that "life is a meaningful flow of energy". What do you mean by "meaningful"?
By "meaningful" I mean relevant, purposeful or exact.
By saying that life is a meaningful flow of energy, I mean that when there is energy (or "qi" in Romanized Chinese) there is life.

When heavenly law (copied from is justified, people will follow the ruler despite hardship
Question 7
What are your favourite parts of the "Art of War"?
My favourite parts of the "Art of War" are as follows:
1. Laying Plans, especially when the author says that to be effective, one must consider (a) moral law; (b) heaven; (c) earth; (d) the commander; (e) methods and discipline.
Moral law is the law of heaven. When moral law is justified, people will follow the ruler despite hardship.
Heaven denotes night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.
Earth denotes distance, great and small, danger and security, open ground and narrow passes, the chances of life and death.
The commander stands for virtues, wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, and strictness.
The methods must be effective. Discipline means the marshalling of the army in its subdivisions, the graduations of rank among officers, the maintenance of roads by which supplies reach the army, and the control of military expenditure.
2. Waging War, especially when the author says that war should not be protracted.
If it is protracted, both the winner and the loser will both lose, though the winner wins the war.
It is so different from the War of Waterloo where Nelson defeated Napoleon, where the number of soldiers was the deciding factor.
Question 8
I have always felt amazed by the extraordinary memory that Leo Sidai and Jeffrey Siheng have. Are there any specific ways to consciously improve memory by using the Shaolin Arts?
Both Leo and Jeffrey have exceptional memory.
You can try using the Small and Big Universe.
When performing the Small Universe, you can start with Abdominal Breathing, Submerged Breathing, Long Breathing, Forceful Small Universe and Gentle Small Universe, or you can start anywhere you like, preferably the Gentle Small Universe.
In performing the Big Universe, you can use the Medical Big Universe or the Spiritual Big Universe.
At present I perform the Small Universe, but I only perform for about 10-15 minutes below my potential.
Selected Reading
- Does Practicing Chi Kung Overcome Bad Karma?
- Evolution of Taijiquan from Shaolinquan
- How woud You Counter when your Head is Locked
- Why Shaolin Kungfu is the Greatest Martial Art
- A Healer has the Heart of a Father or a Mother