Grandmaster Wong

Grandmaster Wong

Question 1

Currently we have another book "The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan".

— Sifu Wong Chun Yian, Shaolin Wahnam Sungai Petani, Malaysia


If we have another book, "The Complete of Tai Chi Chuan", it is speaking with confidence.

We can write to Amanda Newton and offer them one year reprinting with renewal every year.

Question 2

I noticed you signed the last few emails as "Sifu", shall I continue to address you as "Sigung" regardless?

— Robert, USA


I made a mistake when I signed as "Sifu". It should be "Sigung".

Honour your sifu, and pay him 10%. Although Shaolin Wahnam instructors generally follow my instructions, you have to check with him, and pay him when the time is right.

We honour our sifus as it is the right thing to do. The notification when one becomes an instructor comes from me.

Dragon Strength Course

The Dragon Strength Course where 3 special skills -- dragon force, lightning speed and dotting energy point -- were taught

Question 3

After leaving my family shortly after the birth of our son in 2014 for the Dragon Strength course, I had to skip the December course in 2015.

— Sifu Leo, Shaolin Wahnam Wien, Austria


Your first duty is to your son and your wife. Attending the December course in 2015 is secondary.

Question 4

But now I found the time to focus on this very interesting topic. So I'm very grateful for your explanations and details.

Training the leg techniques was also good to prepare and strengthen my legs for our skiing and snowboarding holidays we had lately.


The "36 Leg Techniques" are very interesting. It is great for my explanations and details.

The exercises will strengthen your legs for skiing and snowboarding. I am glad that you went for a holiday in skiing and snowboarding. You have worked very hard; you deserve a holiday.

Thrust Kick

The Thrust Kick is one of the 36 Leg Techniques

Question 5

As the greeting sequence of Uncle Righteousness is used in "Shaolin 36 Leg Techniques", is there a connection between the "Shaolin 36 Leg Techniques" set and Uncle Righteousness?


There is no connection between the "36 Leg Techniques" between Uncle Righteousness. Other masters may have other greetings.

Question 6

Is the "Reverse Thrust Kick" performed with a horizontal kicking foot like a low side kick or vertical like in the straight body tiger-tail kick? Are the hands positioned like in "Happy Bird" when performing a "Sky Kick"?


It is not necessary to have the body straight or squatting tiger-tail kicks. The hands should be in a position that he would roll away as the opponent may stretch out the hand to grab his groin.

The hand positions should be like the tiger-tail kicks when performing a "Sky Kick".

Dragon Plays with Water

Dragon Plays with Water

Question 7

Sitting on the floor in "Dragonfly Plays with Water", the participants have their legs at an angle of approximately 60-70 percent. Should they do some preparatory exercises like hip stretching first?


"The Art of Flexibility" is excellent in losing the legs every night. I did that for 2 years. Before I could not sit upright.

Sitting on the floor, the participants have their legs at an angle of at least 70%. They can have some exercises like losing their hips such as "Bow-Arrow Stance" when supported by separate dividuals. We did away with "Bow-Arrow Stance" when supported by separate dividuals as it involves other persons.

Question 8

We should not practice chi kung in strong wind or thunderstorms. Can we still practice inside when these weather conditions appear?


We should not practice chi kung in strong wind or thunderstorms. We should not practice inside when these weather conditions appear because of the strong winds or thunderstorms.



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