

Question 1

Hello from the coast of Texas.

— Andrew, USA


Your trip brings back good memories of our California trip, especially when we were at the coast.

The best exercise is the "Small Universe". It will make you very lucky.

If there is not great energy, it is because of your consistent practice. There is electricity because it is chi (or energy).

It is correct that "Small Universe" is a very good exercise. You should practice more of it.

Question 2

Thank you for your inspiring email.

A student said he doubted whether he could stand for even ten minutes in class, and in the end he enjoyed standing and walking about the hall for more than an hour. He registered to join my next regular class.

— Sifu Bernie Kissey, Shaolin Wahnam Sabah, Malaysia


There will be an increase in chi kung.

You should teach in Dubai, Gold Coast and elsewhere. You are my proudest student.

When you are in Dubai, you can observe the changing colour from Dubai white to Oman stone.

Bodhisattva Guan Yin often comes to bless us. She (or He) was a Buddha before. There is no male or female in the Transcendental Realm. If we talk of Miau San (Cantonese pronunciation) we regard Her as She; if we talk of Avalokitesvara, we regard Him as He.



Question 3

My heart is full of joy at the miracle of being able to walk again without crutches!

— Parveen, England


It is a heart-warming email.

I particularly like the greatest miracle happened this morning when divine energy poured through you. You kicked your crutch away and it healed you instantly and you performed the Wudang set and you cried tears of joy.

You don't need to be sick. You can do away with aids. The divine energy has poured through you. Let us give thanks to Guan Yin Bodhisattva. She has always guided and protected us.

Question 4

Joel and I enjoyed watching many of your videos together. The treatise of Zhang San Feng truly is a gem!


My videos are a treasure.

The treatise of Zhang San Feng is wonderful. Many Taijiquan principles, like thinking nothing and doing nothing, and the body and legs are always connected, are explained in detail. "Cultivating spirit training energy" are what you should be doing.

My family and me thank you for the happiness, good health, peace and delicious food to enjoy!

Zhang San Feng

Zhang San Feng

Question 5

I was wondering if animal sacrifice is practiced in Buddhism like in Islam? I think the Buddha prohibited the killing of animals but permitted the eating of meat. This is a contradiction!

Animals used to be sacrificed in Hinduism but the practice died down over the years for some reason. I am trying to understand why many Hindus become vegetarian?

— Bala, India


I do not know much about Islam, so I would focus on Buddhism.

The Buddha prohibits the killing of animals because of ahimsa, i.e. to refrain from causing any harm to any living creature. This principle applies to Hinduism and Jainism.

The Buddha permits the eating of meat, particularly in Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism, particularly those who are ordained as monks.

There are 3 kinds of Buddhism, and the third kind, Mahayana Buddhism, is popular in China and Japan.

In Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism, exponents ask for food, and it would be an insult if the given food is not taken. Most Mahayana Buddhists grow their own food.

There is no contradiction!

Hindus become vegetarian because of ahimsa.

Question 6

Does this mean that Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarian? Are you a Mahayana Buddhist? Were Shaolin monks Mahayana Buddhists?


Not all Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarian; some are lay persons just like me. Some Mahayana Buddhists, especially those who are ordained as monks, are vegetarian. They follow the vegetarian diet strictly.

There are 2 traditions in Shaolin -- Theravada and Mahayana; but most Shaolin monks belong to the Mahayana tradition.

It was a little known fact that all Mahayana Zen monks, known as "Chan" in Romanized Chinese, -- from Bodhidharma to the Sixth Patriarch, Hui Neng -- are from Shaolin.

Most Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarian; they have to be monks. But some Buddhists are laypersons. All my four "sifus", whom I consider the greatest, are laypersons.

Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts at Half Moon Bay, USA

Question 7

What about milk? Is it allowed in Mahayana Buddhism? Did Shaolin monks drink milk? Did they have access to milk in the first place, because they would have to own a cow and a bull to make milk and I don't think the Shaolin Monastery had any cattle?


Milk was drunk at the Shaolin Monastery. There were records of milk being fed to infants, though there was no cattle at the monastery.

I am a Mahayana Buddhist, and am proud of the fact. At first I doubted whether I was a Buddhist as most of my Buddhist studies were from the Theravada tradition.

Most Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarian; they have to be monks. But some Buddhists are laypersons. All my four "sifus", whom I consider the greatest, are laypersons.

Milk was drunk at the Shaolin Monastery. There were records of milk being fed to infants, though there was no cattle at the monastery.

Question 8

Do you have any children?


I am married with a beautiful wife and have five children, who are already adults. They have grandchildren. It is believed that marriages are made in heaven.

You are married only once. I am a Mahayana Buddhist, and am proud of the fact. At first I doubted whether I was a Buddhist as many of my Buddhist studies were from the Theravada tradition.



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