

Question 1

My mother and I are currently planning our move to Puerto Rico where she bought a house a few years ago on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It's a beautiful area and if we do settle down there long-term it would be wonderful to have Sigung as our guest, if he travels again in future.

— Andrew, USA


Puerto Rico is a lovely place.

Simu, my wife, is quite particular about the world lockdown, but it will be over soon.

It is always good to follow the heart or God's will. I feel that if you follow your heart which doesn't seem like a positive action for yourself, it is because God works His mysterious plans.

A good way to discern between the two is to have a chi (or energy) flow. Don't let your chi flow to be vigorous; it must be a gentle chi flow.

Question 2

Sifu, as always I am inspired by Sifu's words and I was transfixed as usual by Sifu's articles on skills transmitted by Sigung Ho, and also Sifu's articles on the Shaolin Wahnam website about Cloud Hands and the Legacy of Bodhidharma.

— John, Ireland


My articles about the skills transmitted by Sigung Ho, and also about "Cloud Hands" and the "Legacy of Bodhisdharma" are legendary.

They always tell the truth as it is a forbidden act in Buddhism to lie.

Taming Tiger Set

Taming Tiger Set

Question 3

I saw the Shaolin Taming Tiger Set which was absolutely magnificent. Once again I was baffled by the depth and breath of Sifu's knowledge of Kung Fu sets.

I found the Taming Tiger Double Rods Set. Double rods always fascinate me as a pair of weapons.


The "Shaolin Taming Tiger Set" and the "Taming Tiger Double Rods Set" are fascinating.

The "Taming Tiger Double Rods Set" was the one I learned from the sifu in Guangdong Association. It was a gift from the sifu.

At that time I was very keen in weapons, and Gaungdong Association in Alor Star, Malaysia had a rack full of weapons.

Question 4

May I please ask Sifu where the Taming Tiger Double Rods came from, and if they are southern Shaolin weapons?


I learned the "Taming Tiger Double Rods" from my the sifu at the Guangdong Association, Alor Star, Malaysia. They are not southern Shaolin weapons.

Taming Tiger Double Rods

Taming Tiger Double Rods

Question 5

What is so special about Taming Tiger Double Rods?


It is often said that a single knife is very useful. A person can grab a single knife and use it or them like double rods. But the "Taming Tiger Double Rods Set" and "Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set" are different.

It is good to use double rods against a tiger. If you hurt a tiger with the blade of a single knife, it will fight for life; if you hurt a tiger with double rods, it will run away. It is always good to let live.

Question 6

Sifu, apart from the name, is there any relation between the Taming Tiger Double-Rods and the Taming Tiger Set?


There is no relation between the "Taming Tiger Double Rod Set" and the "Taming Tiger Set". The "Taming Tiger Set" is the "Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set", and was performed by Sifu Goh Kok Hin in the 1980s. Its webpage can be asscessed here.

I also perform the Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set, as well as Sifu Leo, and their webpages can be asscessed here and here.

Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear

Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear

Question 7

What are the Crossroad Metal Spear and the Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear?


The "Crossroad Metal Spear" and the "Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear" are quite different. The "Crossroad Metal Spear" uses a metal shaft or hard wood, whereas the "Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear" uses a cane or soft wood.

The "Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear" is sometimes called a flowery spear.

Question 8

Sifu, is the Pakua Single Knife the same weapon as the guandao?


The "Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set" with a single knife is different from a guandao. The "Shaolin Dragon Pakua Set" is about 4 feet including the handle, whereas a Guan Dao is about 8 to 12 feet.

I learned the "Green Dragon Crescent Moon Guan Dao" from my "siheng". It was because of my good relationship with my first sfiu, Uncle Righteousness. The "Green Dragon Crescent Moon Guan Dao" is a very prestigious set and I was quite surprised that my "siheng" taught me without any questions.

The "Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakau Set" is quite different from Baguazhang, both of which are in Shaolin Wahnam. The single knife in Baguazhang is very big, between 4 to 6 feet. It is said that the single knife in Baguazhang is out of size.



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