Chi kung state of mind

"Chi kung state of mind"

Question 1

Could you help me in some way to give me an advice?

— Karen, USA


Cancer can be overcome. I have helped many patients to overcome cancer. I haven't received your previous email.

It is important that you attain my Intensive Chi Kung Course. With the world lockdown, I don't know when I can offer another Intensive Chi Kung Course, but it will be soon. Please check my website.

People do not attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course, they think wrongly that they can enter into "a chi kung state of mind".

They fail to understand that to enter into "a chi kung state of mind", they have to be relaxed and be focused at the same time. It is to enter into a "chi kung state of mind" that they fail. They perform gentle, physical exercise, and gentle, physical exercise does not overcome cancer or any disease.

Because of my experience I can induce a "chi kung state of mind" in the first hour of the course. Remember that cancer can be overcome.

Question 2

I realised that it is easier to be over-trained doing chi kung as compared with doing Kung Fu or Tai Chi .

— Sifu Foong Tuck Meng, Holistic Health Cultivation Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Over-training is a serious problem in our school. Because I teach fast -- which is a bonus -- it is easy to over-train if a student practices an intensive course or a regional course the same way in his regular practice. Chi kung takes years, but I teach in a few days or hours.

Over-training in Shaolin Kungfu or Taijiquan is less serious because the student has internal force.

Triple Press of Pearl Bridge

"Triple Press of Pearl Bridge" of "Cotton Palm"

Question 3

I thought I might inadvertently mention more people's names and events.

— Name and Country Withheld


The mention of names and events may open up vista that I have forgotten.

Question 4

Is it usual in kungfu culture for the student to knock their heads on the floor 3 times in front of the master?


In kungfu culture, knocking their heads 3 times on the floor is the norm. Whether the master is present or absent is not important.

Shaolin Kungfu

Shaolin Kungfu

Question 5

It's been a while since the last time I heard from you, but your words and teachings are still in my heart.

— Karol, Norway


It has been some time since we last communicated.

Penang is a nice place.

By the way, I stay in Sungai Petani, which is about an hour from Penang.

Question 6

I really hope it will be over soon and I'm looking forward to visiting beautiful Malaysia. Memories of shared meals when I could listen to sigung's stories warm my heart.


Studying is wonderful. I remember I was in two universities -- Malaya University, which is in Kuala Lumpur, and the University of Science, which is in Penang. It was just lovely studying.



Question 7

Not only my body opened and became more relaxed, but my mind and the way I look at the world. I can say I am a different person than I was just two years ago.

At the moment I focus on Small Universe, stance training and Cosmos Palm. I follow sigung's description from the "Complete Book of Shaolin". I notice watching videos from the Cosmos Palm course.


You have improved tremendously. It can be seen from your arms.

The "Small Universe", stance training, and "Cosmos Palm" are very important. They form the major part of my own training.

I remember clearly when my third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, taught me the "Small Universe". There are five parts, namely "Abdominal Breathing", "Submerged Breathing", "Long Breathing", "Forceful Small Universe" and "Gentle Small Universe".

I also remembered when my sifu taught me the "Forceful Big Windmill". He took me aside and showed me the "Forceful Big Windmill". A few months later he asked me how my "Forceful Big Windmill" was. I showed it to him, and he said, "Good!". I told him I practiced diligently.

I added the word "Forceful'; there is already "Big Windmill" in the "18 Lohan Hands".

Question 8

Sometimes I do the Forceful Big Windmill with both hands at the same time, which feels really strong. Is it wise to do so?


The "18 Lohan Hands" are important. They form the basis of our chi kung practice. How good is our chi kung depends much on the "18 Lohan Hands", especially on "Lifting the Sky", "Pushing Mountain" and "Carrying the Moon".

The "Tortoise Method" is my invention. I use principles taught by my sifus. The slower you perform, the more powerful is the force derived.

It is alright if you perform "One-Finger Shooting Zen" with both hands. But it is better if you use the right hand and the left hand; in this way you have better concentration.

But you can try with both hands if it suits you. You can try with both hands, and later try with the right hand and the left hand, and feel your concentration.

If you feel too powerful, you can skip a day or two. Use it to play with your friends or talk to your parents.



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