Sifu Rama with his beautiful wife
Question 1
I just want to send you my best regards to you, to Simuji and to the rest of your family.
— Sifu Rama Roberto, Shaolin Wahnam Costa Rica
Thank you for your kind wishes. We wish you, Adalaida, Simon and his wife, and all members of the Blue Mountain our best regards.
Penang is a lovely place. By the way, I stay in Sungai Petani, which is about an hour from Penang.
Malaysia is wonderful. We shall have some intensive courses in Malaysia when it is more relaxing.
Question 2
Have you been watching and guiding me from Malaysia?
— Sifu Angel Perez, Shaolin Wahnam Costa Rica
Wudang Kungfu is guided by a very powerful yet gentle force that comes from inside of yourself.
You feel like someone watching you closely and other masters guiding you from a different dimension. That reminds me in my younger days I sent my spirit up in the clouds to watch other students.

"Wave Sleeves Light Breeze" in Wudang "Cotton Palm"
Question 3
Sifu in One-Finger Gold, is it ok to drop the weights and stay in Horse-Riding Stance for a further amount of time?
— Sifu John O Laoidh, Shaolin Wahnam Ireland
If the weight is dropped, there will be nothing to strengthen the finger. The weight should not be dropped.
Hanging weight at the fingers to strengthen them is one way. It is said that the Venerable Hai Theng, who taught at the Shaolin Monastery for some time, performed the hand stand. He was so powerful with his fingers that he could easily jab into buffalo's thigh.
Question 4
Can we practice One-Finger Gold and One-Finger Shooting Zen in the same session, for example, starting with One-Finger Gold, then drop the weights from our fingers and perform One-Finger Shooting Zen?
You can start with "One Finger Gold", then proceed with "One-Finger Shooting Zen".

"Cosmos Palm"
Question 5
Are there any additional steps connected to Cosmos Palm training?
— Karol, Norway
In "Cosmos Palm" training, the hands must be gentle and red in colour. "Cosmos Palm" depends on flowing force and concentrated force. You can practice "Forceful Big Windmill". It is a very good way to develop "Cosmos Palm".
Question 6
Sigung mentioned in some of Question Answers methods like palm strikes towards stones. How does it look like, start from the small ones and continue as the force level grows with bigger ones?
"Cosmos Palm" should be gentle, and can be "hard" if required. As you practice "Forceful Big Windmill", increase your internal force as your internal force increases.

Kicking groin and "Trim Bamboo"
Question 7
I have allotted one hour everyday in my timetable for kung fu.
Wearing shoes instead of just slippers was induced by Uncle Righteousness in his teaching. He took the trouble of instructing every student in his right form. I owned much of my good form from him. I was known to have good form.
Question 8
I discovered to wear shoes, instead of use slippers or bare feet.
You have to improve every session. You have to wear shoes or else callous may form at your feet.
Check that your form is picture-perfect and see if there is any improvement. Then imagine how you apply the form for combat application.
Selected Reading
- You Must be Relaxed and Focused when Practicing Chi Kung
- Ensuring Lasting Beeefits of Chi Kung Practice
- Various Ways of Striking with the Fist in Shaolin Kungfu
- Shaolin Kungfu and the Shaolin Temple
- Standard Version of Taijiquan For Combat Sequences -- Chin-Na