Smiling from the heart

Smiling from the Heart

Question 1

What was the daily training of Sigung Ho's kung fu students like, that enabled them to reach that degree of fighting skill so relatively quickly?

Editorial Note: Federick's questions continue from here.

— Federick, USA


First we practiced "One-Finger Shooting Zen". That was how I developed internal force. I trained kungfu for more than 20 years, but I didn't have internal force. To prove that I had internal force, I broke a brick.

Internal force is not only for sports, games and other outdoor activities, but for daily life. A person with internal force will live longer and has more vitality.

Then we practiced combat application. A person would initiate an attack and another person would respond.

We didn't spend much time free sparring against members of other schools. It was easy. When we had to spar, we just let our combat application unfold. We had internal force as we practiced "One-Finger Shooting Zen" daily. Other members of other schools just practiced outward forms without any combat application.

If we learned a kungfu set, it was for combat application. It was never meant for demonstration. Indeed our kungfu sets were bad for demonstration.

Question 2

Did they follow a particular curriculum of learning specific techniques or sequences? Did they spend much time training with and free sparring against members of other schools? What sort of techniques, force, and tactics would they have used against fighters of other schools?


We did not specify what techniques, force or tactics against fighters of other schools. Our internal force came solely from "One-Finger Shooting Zen", which we practiced daily.

In our school. Shaolin Wahnam, we have different techniques, force and tactics. Indeed we are almost complete; there isn't any branch of kungfu we don't have.

Other martial arts are easy. It is kungfu that is the most sophisticated. Other martial artists do not know their arts; they simply bash one another.

In our school, Shaolin Wahnam, we use different techniques, force and tactics to fight an opponent. If we fight against a Boxer, we use "Lift Hand". We have to be safe before we attack. Then we counter.

We can fell an opponent using "Knight Plays with Ball", taking care that he (or she) has no chance to fight back.

If we fight against an opponent who kicks often, we avoid his (or her) kicks, or strike his (or her) leg as he (or she) kicks. Then we counter. We can fell him (or her) using "Green Dragon Tests Claw", taking care that he (or she) has no chance to fight back.

Planting Willow in Front of Camp

"Planting Willow in Front of Camp"

Question 3

I was able to very quickly find a job in a very beautiful and remote part of the country.


I am glad that you can find a breautful place remote in the counntry.

Please remember that as you practice chi kung, you can be very lucky. Chi kung is one of the best things anyone can do, and to be lucky is defintely desirable.

Question 4

I remember you mentioning how Sigung Ho could defeat Muai Thai boxers using Shaolin kung fu.


Sigung Ho stressed on internal force training and combat application, which are the two pillars of kungfu training. Modern students just practice their outward forms.

Sifu Ho Fatt Nam was my third sifu. He was the third generation successor from the Venerable Jiang Nan from the Shaolin Moastery at Zhanzhou. Much of my teaching is from Sifu Ho Fatt Nam.

Lone Drake Leaves Crowd

"Lone Drake Leaves Crowd". a pattern from "Cotton Palm"

Question 5

I do not feel that I am anywhere near you in your students days, but I will continue as best as I can.

— Sifu Roeland Dijkema, Shaolin Wahnam Netherlands


You are one of my proudest students. I was nowhere near you, though I learned a lot from Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third generation successor from the southern Shaolin Monastery at Quanzhou.

Question 6

I have also learned the "Cotton Palm" set after I learned the "Crushing Fist". It is simply astounding that such a seemingly simple set can generate such incredibly flowing force.


The "Cotton Palm" set was composed by me following the principles of "Cotton Palm" and the Wudang sets. According to the principles, the palms should be flowing, they should be gentle and red in colour.

Lone Drake Leaves Crowd

"Lone Drake Leaves Crowd", a pattern from "Cotton Palm"

Question 7

If I may ask, what training methods complement the Cotton Palm set?


The force of Cotton Palm must be flowing. The hands are gentle, and red in colour. Any Wudang Sets will complement "Cotton Palm".

Question 8

If Shaolin Wahnam student A practises a consolidating method such as Golden Bridge, and Shaolin student B just practises Cotton Palm, who would progress faster?


Referring to your question as which students, A or B, should progress faster if all things were equal, B should progress faster. B may develop "Cotton Palm" as he practices "Golden Bridge".

Nevertheless, A is equally good. Flowing force is not inferior to consolidated force.



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