JUNE 2024 PART 2

"Generating Energy Flow" in Sabah
Question 1
Why are entering into a chi kung state of mind and generating an energy flow important?
— Charles, USA
"Entering into a chi kung state of mind" is very important because without it one cannot perform chi kung. He (or she) performs gentle, physical exercise and he doesn't know it, although he uses chi kung exercise. Gentle, physical exercise does not give good health, vitality and longevity.
"Entering into a chi kung state of mind" is coined by the greatest chi kung master, Sifu Yan Xin, of China. In simple English it is entering into a higher level of consciousness.
To generate an energy flow is the essence of chi kung. It takes many years to generate an energy. Some never generate an energy flow.
Because of my experience, I can generate an energy flow within an hour of my intensive courses. Those who fail to generate an energy flow, don't have to pay any fees.
Question 2
Here is the information I tried to share with you in a previous email.
— Sifu Angel Perez, Shaolin Wahnam Puerto Rico
Over-training is a major problem in our school. Qigong, or chi kung (the pronunciation is the same, although the writings are different) is excellent in overcoming the problems.
What you teach is excellent kungfu, with combat application and force development as the main characteristics. Others focus on form demonstrations, which is to please spectators.
I ran through the list. The list shows an emphasis on fist forms and weapons.
This recalls an amusing incident. A senior student once said that when he opened a martial art book, he found the first page showing how a technique was practiced. It went through the whole book with different techiques. He told me there was no depth.
The weapons were interesting. But I doubt a practitioner knows how to use a weapon.

The trident
I use distant chi transmission to save lives, many of which were "incurable" diseases. Most people learned from me later on.
The universe is covered with "chi" (or "qi" in Romanised Chinese). The inspiration was from Sifu Yan Xin.
Once we did an experience. There were sophisticated instruments which measured time precisely in the United States.
While I sent "chi" in meditation to someone in the United Sates, I also sent "chi" physically to another person about 10 feet away. Every time the person in the United States received the "chi" a fraction of a second earlier.
There were also a few interesting occasions.
Once when I was in a house in Canada, the clock stopped and I didn't know about it. When we worked back the time, it was exactly when a woman received my "chi".
At another time I was in Alor Star, Malaysia. I remembered a strong aroma when a hawker was pouring white noodles into a frying pan. A man who received my "chi", wondered what the strong aroma was? I asked him whether it was a strong aroma over a frying pan, and he answered "yes". It was wonderful that the strong noodles over a frying pan were the impulses sent. He also received my "chi".
Once I was in an undulating road. Another man received my "chi", but wondered why he was in a sailing boat when other times he just received my "chi". I told him the road I was traveling and sending "chi" to him was undulating.
Question 4
I understand that the Irish courses were cancelled and that Joan had left the school to teach on her own.
— Paul, Ireland
It is alright if you train with Joan. She is one whom I hoped she would help me spread the Shaolin arts. On the other hand, I heard some unpleasant things about her.

"Internal Force"
Question 5
But in terms of force and vitality, most of the boxing instructors I know personally or whom I've seen on TV, do not have good vitality or force past the age of 45. They are quite weak, even frail.
When a person becomes old, he is weaker, except the kungfu masters. They seem to grow with age.
Question 6
Those two masters clearly have vitality and force even at almost twice the age of the boxing instructors.
I wonder would you ever consider teaching courses with these styles as you have with Eagle Claw, Baguazhang, Choy Li Futt and others?
Kungfu masters glow with age. In fact there is a proverb which says that a kungfu master cannot be less than 35 years of age; they are too young to be kungfu masters.
Age, size and gender cannot be decisive factors. Ng Mui was the Eldest of the five Shaolin patriarchs. Even Pak Mei, a kungfu genius, was afraid to fight with her.
The kungfu master was full of internal force. The other kungfu master was a great figher in his younger days.
It is not likely that I shall offer courses on Southern Praying Mantis Kungfu and White Crane Kungfu. I would focus on intensive courses, as internal force enhances daily living.
Question 7
I do have this benefit of internal force.

Thirteen-Technique Spear
Keep practicing your chi kung and kungfu. If you have any doubt, you can ask me.
Chi kung and kungfu will bring you a lot of benefits, especially now when the world lockdown is on.
With your internal force, which helps us in our daily life, you won't be sick at all. It will also give you vitality and longevity.
We practice high-level chi kung, It also provides you with peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. Please remember to practice your kungfu.
Question 8
I don't know if it's a good thing but such things seem to affect me less now.
You have improved a lot. You are now 16 times better than when you had not joined Shaolin Wahnam, or better than people who do not practice chi kung.
How do I work out 16 times? You are now relaxed. You can do better if you are relaxed than when you were distracted. You are focused. You can do better if you are focused than when you were not focused. You have internal force. You can do better than when you didn't have internal force. You have mental clarity. You can do better than when you didn't have mental clarity.
It is not just 4 times; it is 16 times because of exponential progression. You are 16 times better than someone who doesn't practice genuine chi kung. When you practice kungfu, it is even better.
The fact that such things seem to affect you less now is a sure sign of your improvement.
Question 9
I thought surely they should ask themselves why you, Sifu, have never offered online courses even though you too could reach more students that way, and they should conclude you must have strong reasons for not doing so.
The main reason why I don't offer online courses is that I believe courses should be face to face. There is much that could be transferred from the heart of the teacher to the heart of students. Transfer from heart to heart is a main feature of the Shaolin arts.
Much of what my sifus transferred to me was not possible if not from heart to heart. I would not teach any students no matter the fees if it is not from the heart of the teacher to the heart of students.
We must also teach deserving students. I would teach a deserving student for free rather than charging high fees.
Your girlfriend can attain my intensive courses. She can check my website.
Selected Reading
- Can Chi Kung Clear Karma?
- Isn't it a Contradiction to Learn Kungfu and Chi Kung from Books and Videos?
- Confusing Atttacks
- Wahnam TYaijiquan against Muay Thai
- Chin-Na Techniques at Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course