Forceful Big Windmill

Forceful Big Windmill

Question 1

Echo-cardio exam shows a severe enlargement of the left size of my heart. Doctors say this is the outcome of my mitral valve regurgitation -- a valvular pathology I suffer since I was a child.

Further exams will assess if and when a surgery intervention is required to repair the mitral valve to prevent further degeneration of the heart structure and avoid heart failure.

— Sifu Riccardo Puleo, Shaolin Wahnam Milano, Italy


You can do this. Lift your right hand and form a snake-hand as high as possible. Slowly -- I repeat: slowly -- move your right hand to the back, then downwards. Your circulation must be backward if you look in front.

When you are at groin level, jab your snake-hand inwards to about your groin and say "herit" in one sound. This is the circulation of the Forceful Big Windmill.

Repeat with the left hand.

Stop if you feel any pain. When the pain subsides you may continue.

Repeat the procedure 2 times, i.e. 3 times in all, which is right, left, right, left, right, left. The pain will go away in a few days. There is no need for any surgery.

Question 2

I do not know if you remember me as a student. I, of course, still remember you clearly.

— Alonso, USA


Practice "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon". You can practice "Lifting the Sky" for 3 days. It is best to practice in the morning, and the other time in the evening or at night. You can choose whether in the evening or at night.

It is not just going over the forms. It is developing skills. You can, if you like, determine what skills you have trained.

On the seventh day, you can decide whether to practice "Lifting the Sky" or "Carrying the Moon". Stick with your decision. This will give you seven days which makes a week.

It is important that you are treating schizophrenia or are taking medication. Sticking with your decision is important for schizophrenia. "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon" are very good exercises that can help you to overcome schizophrenia.

chi kung class in London

Chi kung class in London

Question 3

I remember Sigung describing a method provided by Sitaigung Ho Fatt Nam on how to get rid of many thoughts.

— Miguel Spariosu, Utretch, Netherlands


Yes, the method is correct.

Think of a stove. The stove must be burning. When thoughts come in, they will be burnt away.

This is a very powerful exercise.

Question 4

It will also treat awarenesses of the difference between qigong as a gentle exercise and genuine qigong.


I have emphasized the difference between gentle, physical exercise and genuine chui kung.

Gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity, the reason why practitioners practice genuine chi kung. The reasons are that the practitioner does not go into a chi kung state of mind and generate a chi flow.

A good analogy is Taijiquan, spelt as "Tai Chi Chuan" in English. People practice "Taijiquan" but they have no internal fornd cannot use their external Taijiquan forms for combat. In our law-abiding society we seldom use Taijiquan for combat. But what use is then of internal force? It is very useful for daily life.

If we use Taijiquan for combat, it can be very helpful, especially when Taijiquan is a scholarly art. We can use Taijiquan for combat in our coats and ties or in ordinary clothes. It is irrelevant of age, sex and size as it has proven numerous times by our Shaolin Wahnam members.

I didn't know about Taijiquan being a scholarly art during my students' days. I knew it later when a great master from China, Sifu Yan Xin, coined the term "the chi kung state of mind". In English, it is a higher level of consciousness. Sifu Yan Xin was among few masters who realized that the chi kung state of mind or the higher level of consciousness was very important.

chi kung class in Penang

Chi kung class in Penang

Question 5

Do we over-train?


We do not practice genuine chi kung but a very high level genuine chi kung. We not only have good health, vitality and longevity. we also have peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one.

I have had more than 100 classes a year, whereas other masters have each class follow them every year. Hence I have a lof opportunities. That is why I request that in their regular practice the students should perform below their levels or else they may over-train. In their regular practice, they should perform below their levels, at 30% or 20% or 10%, or even at 5% or less.

How do we get 30% or less? If we take what I taught at intensive or regional courses as 100%, if we half that and half the 50% again, that will give us 25% which is close to 30%.

Question 6

Would it be good to send blessings to people you would consider to act in an evil way?

I have reread your article on the destruction of the Southern Shaolin Temple. Some Kung Fu masters decided to fight the government, whereas others escaped and left China.


It is difficult to send blessings to people you would consider to act in an evil way. This is an academic question. We normally send chi to good people. But as an academic question, it is always good to send blessings.

Kungfu masters who fought for what they believed in, were admirable. Those who were able to let go and move on were admirable too.

This is another academic question, but in this case I prefer to move on. It is better to let go and move on. Many things are such that they can't forgive.

It is not easy to be engaged in politics and war, and at the same time to cultivate the mind for peace. But it can be done though it may be difficult. If we can let go and move on, we can cultivate for peace.

Taijiquan class in Penang

Taijiquan class in Penang

Question 7

Would a Shaolin Wahnam practitioner who trains for Cosmos Palm be more efficient if he also trains consolidated force such as Golden Bridge in other training sessions or would he have better results if he just focussed on flowing force training methods during other sessions?


I haven't practiced Cosmos Palm and Golden Bridge in the same training sessions. I think Cosmos Palm and Golden Bridge will be more efficient, but I am not sure.

You seem to have many academic questions but they are good. They force you to think hard. Many benefits are obtained when you have to think hard.

Question 8

I found sending blessings to those I consider acting wrongly easy after your answer. Thank you, Sifu!


Only the strong could survive. That was how Shaolin Kungfu was spread. It spread to Guangdong in south China, and from there it spread to others parts of the world, specially in the United States, Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia.

It is good to send blessings to those acting wrongly. We are indeed lucky; we can send blessings.



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