Shaolin Wahnam Eireann
Question 1
I was travelling all day yesterday with my parents who brought me home to Cork.
— Sifu John O Laoidh, Shaolin Wahnam Eireann
I am glad that your parents took you and helped you to take pictures and ultimately arrived at Cock, your hometown.
Earlier I said that I would not publish anything on the website, but seeing your website as stated as the goddess,"Eiriu", noted for her beauty, I could not resist. I waited for your reply.
Question 2
Sifu, what is the best way to get rid of bitterness, resentment and grudges in our being.
If you have bitterness, resentment or grudges in your heart, just forget them. Forgetfulness is a strong deterrent.

These factors cost nothing but make us happier
Question 3
I am about to ask Sifu what goals we should have when we have more power. I hear Sifu saying that it is important to have good thoughts.
To have good thoughts for ourselves and other people is very important. We wish to help other people. Our students and instructor are grateful that they are more than 10 times better than what I did in my students' days.
Smiling from the Heart, wishing people well and adopting a "live and let live" policy are very important. When we smile from the heart, we are happy. When we wish people well, we share happiness. When we live and let live, we become happier.
Question 4
This morning as usual in the Iron Wire set, I noticed something that I have encountered before, but this time it was more clear. I gave my breath more attention to whichever part of the body I was actually extending. My body felt lighter but more powerful. There was relaxation but a lot of force.
— Corwyn, USA
You have done well in your Iron Wire set. It was energy flowing to your arms. You felt very powerful.
You didn't notice it earlier because you were distracted or you did not pay attention.

Question 5
Is there a relationship between the energy, mind, and breathing?
The more you focus on your breadth, the more will be the energy flow. Gradually you may not worry about your breathing, but the energy is there. You may think that you do not have much power, but you can be very powerful.
The more you relax, the more forceful you will be. There is a relationship between the energy, mind and breathing.
There is a lot of force, but you are in control. If you want to be gentle, you can be gentle, but the other person can feel your force.
Question 6
I wish to ask Sifu when have when we have more power. It is important to think for ourselves and other people?
The more relaxed you are, the more powerful you become.
It is important to think for ourselves and others.
Smiling from the Heart, we feel happy. When we are happy, we think of others. When we smile from the Heart, we share our happiness.

The most important in Taijiquan is to enter into a enter into a chi kung state of mind
Question 7
I had more options with girls and more girls seemed attracted to me. How do we not fall into the "honey-trap" of being distracted but we might miss that one-in-a-million girl?
— Name and Country Withheld
The phenomenal world is made of males and females. We should not fall into the "honey-trap" and miss one in a million. We should choose wisely, but once we have chosen, she remains to be your one and only wife. You must love her dearly.
It is true that you are loosening up, despite the better chi flow, increased energy and better flexibility you have experienced. Remember that better chi flow, increased energy and better flexibility are the beginning. You have other exercises. The "Small Universe" is a very good exercise
A very effective way is the "Small Universe". As we live in the phenomenal realm, the "Small Universe" is a very good way to cultivate.
Question 8
I am not sure if it is increased energy, better chi flow or the amount of flexibility training I am doing, but I am finding the area in my lower-right abdomen/groin beginning to loosen up for many years (many years before I even realized)?
Your increased energy, better chi flow and the amount of flexibility training are only the beginning. You are loosening up for many years. Your martial art training may have costed the contraction.
Selected Reading
- Kungfu Forms, Kick-Boxing and Chi Kung
- Why So Many Practitioners Do Not Get Benefits of High-Level Chi Kung
- Our Shaolin Wahnam Treasure -- One-Finger Shooting Zen
- Take Down and Pin Down in Shaolin Kungfu
- Gentle or Forceful Taijiquan Movement