MAY 2024 PART 1

Change negative thoughts to good thoughts

Change negative thoughts to good thoughts

Question 1

It makes me happy to think of you enjoying time with your family. I know you are all happy and healthy.

— Ryan, USA


My wife, I, my children, my son-in-laws and their parents, and my grandchildren are happy and healthy, except that my children, my grandchildren and sons-in-laws are still young. They will also have spiritual joys, full of vitality, and enjoy longevity.

I wish you and your family the best in everything.

Chi kung has to be practiced every day. Daily I practice my chi kung and kungfu.

Question 2

However, I sometimes find negative thoughts. For example, if someone says or does something negative, I may have a negative thought. If a negative emotion is being cleansed I may see situations in my life in a negative way.

I feel the negative thought is not arising from within me but I am sensing it in the people around me. This can also lead to reacting with my own negative thoughts. I have learned from experience that trying to push negative thoughts away often only makes them grow stronger.


It is important to have good thoughts. You can change the negative thoughts to good thoughts in the following ways:

1. If someone says something negative, think of the good ways. For example, if someone says that you will lose money, think of ways to guard your money and that it would not lose but you gain.

2. If someone says that chi kung cleansing is bad, see that your cleansing is clearing toxic waste from your body which is good for you.

3. When you can sense negative thoughts from others, think of them bringing good to these people. For example, if someone is sick, you can say that he or she will get well soon.

4. Always find the good side of people. For example, if someone drives recklessly, think of him or her drives carefully and follows traffic rules.

Don't push negative thoughts away. Change them to become good thoughts. Intellectualizing and worrying of negative thoughts is bad; change them.

You can train your mind to have good thoughts.

Self-manifested chi movement

"Self-manifested chi movement"

Question 3

We do teach genuine arts that are rare to find.

— James, England


Most people cannot differentiate between chi kung and gentle, physical exercise. They think that practicing chi kung is practicing gentle, physical exercise; and they cannot tell the difference. Some even think that practicing gentle, physical exercise is doing the teacher a favour, especially when the teacher is not charging any money.

To practice chi kung, one has to "enter into a chi kung state of mind", or a higher level of consciousness. Gentle, physical exercise is like any gentle exercise, and it cannot overcome illness or give good health, vitality and longevity.

Sifu Xan Yin, the greatest chi kung master, was the one to advocate "entering into a chi kung state of mind". He is reputed to change the directions of missiles, and is known for his distant chi transmission. He is well known to speak to a large group of people, and they have self-manifested chi movement. Many recover just by listening to him.

Experiencing chi flow (or qi flow) is the essence of chi kung. A good way to tell the difference between chi kung and gentle, physical exercise is chi flow. Most people take years to experience chi flow.

Question 4

One student, who has cancer, mentioned that she was getting good benefits from her practice and is in remission of her symptoms.


Our chi kung is excellent for overcoming cancer and other "incurable" diseases. I have helped many former cancer patterns to overcome cancer, and they lead a healthy life.

Another "incurable" disease is cardiovascular disorders.

Chi flow

"Chi flow"

Question 5

I will ask them a question about qigong. When they answer, it is a good start. If they do not, I do not engage any further with them.


You have a good way to discover deserving students from the non-deserving by asking them a question.

Can you tell me the question you ask them?

Perhaps we can make this question to discover deserving students from the non-deserving. We will of course mention your name.

Question 6

Lina later was informed of a new beginners class. She paid and waited to attend the course. Rachel would like to join but was uncertain what to do. I advised her to give me her bank details to refund her fee.


Lina is an undeserving student. It is right to refund her her fees.

It is disrespectful of Lina to teach another student about breathing and meditation, and not taking 15 minutes a day to practice, especially in front of the teacher. She could keep these to herself.

It was also right that you refunded Rachel's fees.

Lifting the Sky

"Lifting the Sky"

Question 7

Vejay is elderly and has Parkinson's Disease.


Vejay should continue. Parkinson's Disease can be overcome.

Perhaps he did not realize the difference between chi kung and gentle, physical exercise. Perhaps you could consider giving him a refund.

It was kind of you to go through "Lifting the Sky" with him, and your Wuji Stance with him brought him benefits.

Question 8

The ongoing course fee is 320 British pounds. The 320 British pounds is twice the fee of any other course in London.


320 British pounds is reasonably high.

I just wonder whether Tim organised courses for me, which were quite crowded, or because of my reputation.

Question 9

Today we will learn Turning Head.


"Turning Head" is an important exercise. Besides benefiting the nervous system, it has other benefits. One important aspect is that it helps agility.

"Lifting the Sky" is good for all. I practice "Lifting the Sky" often.



Selected Reading

Courses and Classes