MAY 2024 PART 3

Intensive Course in Penang
Question 1
It was only 2 students that did not follow the correct practice protocol.
— Ryan, USA
Intensive Course in Penang
It was only 2 students that did not follow the correct practice protocol.
— Ryan, USA
The students either did not follow your instructions or did not know what to do. They did so not because your instructions were unclear but because they were uncertain whether it was chi kung or gentle, physical exercise.
The second reason was you were too keen to teach. The second reason was more likely. You were too keen to share what you had learned. You forgot that learning took time.
Not only they have to perform the stances correctly, they have to do so immediately. So, go slow.
Thank you for your advice, Sifu. Today I practiced changing negative thoughts into good thoughts. It was very effective and fun to do! I look forward to continuing practicing this skill.
The onus is not to fight with the negative thoughts not but to change them. You are in perfect control of your emotions. Just change them -- i.e. change the negative thoughts to good thoughts.
Chris in his "Bow-Arrow Stance"
I have another student, Mark, who left the class yesterday. Why did they leave? I told them they would learn high-level chi kung.
— Sifu James Lawrence, Shaolin Wahnam England
One good reason why Mark, Lina, Rachel and Vejay left was because they couldn't understand the difference between genuine chi kung and gentle, physical exercise.
Gentle, physical exercise cannot overcome illness, and gives good health, vitality and longevity; but chi kung can. We practice high-level chi kung with peak performance and spiritual joys.
Another possible reason is that your teaching is too fast. This is a common problem with new instructors. They are keen to pass on what they have learned to their students.
You need to go slow. Remember that chi kung takes years. I teach fast because I need to complete a course in a fixed time frame. If I can complete a course in a few hours, I shouldn't take years. We must remember that chi kung takes years.
I reprimanded the students for not following instructions and was firmly saying this was genuine qigong and that to get results, one must practice what had been taught in the class and the way that I showed them. I went on to say that Cosmos Qigong was a high-level art.
We must regularly practice not the same as in regional courses and intensive courses (which are of a higher level). We have to regularly practice far below our potential -- at 30% or 20% or 10%.
In our regular practice, if we practice the same as in a regional course or an intensive course, we will over-train. We have to practice far below our potential -- at 30% or 20% or 10%. If we practice at 10%, it will be more than 10 times than what I did in my students' days.
How do we practice below our potential? Let us take what I teach at a regional course at 100%. Please remember that a student will perform below 100%.
If we half that 100%, we will have 50%. We have to half the 50% again to get 25%, which is close to 30%. If we find the 30% too powerful, we can lower the potential to 20% or to 10%.
Remember that if we perform at 10%, it will be more than 10 times than what I did in my students' days. An ordinary student will be more than 10 times than what I did in my students' days.
It is not easy to practice below our potential. We are so used to our regional courses that it is hard to practice below our potential.
We have to half our potential 2 times --- the first time half what I teach at 100% to 50%, and the second time half the 50% to 25%. If we find the 25% too powerful, we can lower to 20% or to 10%. Remember that at 10%, it is more than 10 times what I did in my students' days.
I was a fast learner, and I had excellent teachers. I was quite well known in my students' days. If we do not practice below our potential, we will over-train. Over-training is a serious problem in our school.
"Chi Flow" is the essence of chi kung
My wife mentioned that perhaps I was too firm in my convictions.
If Mark, Lina, Rachel and Vejay leave, let them leave and wish them well. We are very generous.
If they cannot differentiate between genuine chi kung and gentle, physical exercise, or cannot practice below their potential, they are just undeserving and cannot practice Shaolin Cosmos Chi Kung.
What you should do is to make Shaolin Cosmos Chi Kung more deserving. We pass on the arts to deserving students.
You have given a lot of details. To give "less" is "more". Many people do not deserve your attention. Most cannot differentiate genuine chi kung and gentle, physical exercise. And most cannot practice below their potential.
Building a class is challenging, however, I am not perturbed in any way.
Practicing chi kung is one of the best things anybody can attempt, but they must differentiate between chi kung and gentle, physical exercise; and be ready to practice below their potential.
Practicing chi kung is better than changing stones to gold by touch.
Tne "Small Universe" and the "Big Universe" course
What is the main difference between the Small Universe and the Big Universe?
The "Small Universe" goes to the "Ren Meridian" and the "Du Meridian", which are the two meridians that go round the body. The "Big Universe" goes through 8 Meridians, which are the "yin qiao mai", the "yang qiao mai", the "yin wei mai", the "yang wei mai", the "dai mai", the "chong mai", the "ren mai" and the "du mai".
The "Small Universe" is sometimes called the "Micro-Obit", and the "Big Universe" the "Macro-Obit". They cover the whole body, and transport energy (or "chi") to it.
They are three major parts of chi kung, or energy work; they are:
1. cultivation of "jing" to form "chi" (or energy);
2. cultivation of "chi" to form "shen" (or spirit);
3. cultivation of "shen" to return to "Great Void" (or "Emptiness").
I recently read your commentary on Taoist training methods at Taoist Training Methods in Ancient China.
What is the Taoist Training Methods of Ancient China? Can you please suggest an effective method?
The "Taoist Training Method of Ancient China" is ancient Chinese breathing methods. They are quite obsolete and are here replaced by changing negative thoughts to good thoughts.
You will be healthy, full of vitality and enjoy longevity, besides attaining peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion.
One useful method is the "Small Universe", as we live in the phenomenal realm. It will also make you lucky. Practice also the "Big Universe", but you can practice the "Big Universe" less often than the "Small Universe".