JULY 2024 PART 1

The people were happy

The people were happy

Question 1

I have to also reciprocate with Guru Dakshina, Thanks again for your magnanimity and healing presence. Please give us an opportunity to serve you, esteemed master, sir.

— Guru Pranam, India


I am blessed with distant "chi" (or energy, similar to "prana") transmission. It was inspired by the greatest chi kung master, Sifu Xan Yin, of China.

There were a few interesting stories of distant "chi" transmission. Once I transmitted "chi" in Alor Star (a city in Malaysia). There was a hawker pouring white noodles over a "wok" (or frying pan). When I asked whether it was a hawker pouring white noodles over a "wok", the man who received my "chi", answered "yes".

Once I was sending "chi" from Toronto to a city I can't remember where. The clock stopped but we were unaware of it. When we worked back the time, the person received "chi" exactly on time.

Some time ago we did an experiment. We had sophisticated instruments in the United States which measured time precisely. Each time I sent "chi" by meditation, the sophisticated instruments measured a fraction of a second before another person physically standing a few feet away.

You don't have to thank me for the distant "chi" transmission. My family and I are in good health, full of vitality and enjoy longevity, except my children and grandchildren who are still young, as we consider good health, full of vitality and enjoy longevity as our greatest wealth.

Question 2

I practiced One-Finger Shooting Zen and Small Universe this evening.

— Sifu John O Laoidh, Shaolin Wahnam Eireann


"One-Finger Shooting Zen" and the "Small Universe" are wonderful. "One-Finger Shooting Zen" is how I get my internal force, which is useful for daily living.

I learned from my first sifu, Uncle Righteousness, for many years but I didn't have internal force. Uncle Righteousness had internal force but he didn't realize it. The "Small Universe" is good for our phenomenal world.

We live in the phenomenal realm. It will make you very lucky as it involves the whole body.

"Hou yun qi" in Mandarin Chinese, or "how yuen hei" in Cantonese Chinese, means "good circulation of energy". In simple English, it means lucky.

So, in English if you practice chi kung, you are lucky, besides giving us good health, vitality and longevity. Practicing chi kung is one of the best things everybody can do. If you practice the "Small Universe", you are very lucky.

Small Universe

"Small Universe"

Question 3

Kevin gave me lots of kind advice about starting classes.


Kevin is a good instructor. I wonder how his class is getting on?

Question 4

I have made the website and all that is left is to find the venue and advertise.


You should start finding a venue and advertise. Please see the first picture of .

There is much you have to do. Advertising takes time.

Grandmaster Wong and Sifu Kevin engaged in a Taijiquan Sparring

Grandmaster Wong and Sifu Kevin engaged in a Taijiquan Sparring

Question 5

It was a very wonderful family collaboration.

— Sifu Angel Peres, Shaolin Wahnam Puerto Rico


Thank you for the link you sent to me. It leads to

You are handsome, your daughter took the videos of you performing the forms, your girlfriend took the video of you talking, Tim took the video of me during the interview and Santi lend you a beautiful flute music he played in honour of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

Question 6

Andrew Roberts moved recently to Puerto Rico.


Andrew Roberts is a lovely boy. I made him jump over a low wall when suffering from an auto-immune disease.

He was with me from San Francisco along the whole of California.

You can see videos at,,, and

Question 7

From your perspective what exercises will benefit him best?


"Bear Walk" and "Five-Animal Play" were good for Andrew Roberts. Jumping over a low wall was very good for him.

It appears cruel when asking someone who suffered from an auto-immune disease, but it was very good for him. He did that very well.

Bear Walk

"Bear Walk"

Question 8

I feel some kind of responsibility to do my best as a host does when someone close come to visit.


It was very kind of you to make me comfortable and enjoyable. We saw many places in Puerto Rico.

You can see videos of these places at,,,,,,,, and



Selected Reading

Courses and Classes