Sifu Santi Criado
Question 1
I have prepared a small gift as a show of my appreciation.
Please see
— Sifu Santi Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Allicante, Spain
It makes me very happy to know you have shown appreciation.
"Solamente Una Vez" is my favourite song. There are many pictures in the video that I haven't seen before. It is a song that I value a lot.
Question 2
Yesterday I executed a couple of palm strikes aiming for a piece of peanuts lying on the table. Some of them moved.
Is the small stone hitting one of the methods of Cosmos Palm testing or developing?
It's a lot of fun.
Here is some water inside a closed bottle.
— Karol, Norway
Your palm should be gentle and soft, and red in colour. It becomes "hard" when you focus on internal force.
A small stone testing is one of the methods to indicate your internal force, but the palm should be gentle and red in colour.
Hitting a closed bottle with some water is an indication of internal force.

My daughter, Wong Siew Foong
Question 3
I trust you are well.
— Sifu Robin Gamble, Shaolin Wahnam England
It is great to hear from you.
Question 4
How is your family, are they all thriving? Are you still teaching, or are you retired?
I have never been sick for more than 50 years. Before this I was occasionally down with flu. It was nothing serious.
My wife, my children and my grandchildren are all very well. They haven't been sick for as long as I remember. We all practice chi kung.
I intend to teach intensive courses, with occasional travels.

My daughters, Wong Wei Foong and Wong Siew Foong, in Italy
Question 5
Rin is currently in Thailand with Gabriel and Jasmine; I've stayed in the UK to look after our business but will join them later for a holiday.
Rin is doing fantastically well. She works hard in our business and enjoys its success. Every year our turnover increases. She is also getting along with her mother much better than ever. Living in the UK and grandchildren really have helped a great deal.
Rin is the happiest. I am very happy that your turnover increases.
Your mother must be very happy. It is time you give your father a rest, but do so tactfully.
Question 6
Gabriel is a bright and caring child. He does well in school in science, history and computing. He has also started competing in Jiu-jitsu. Jasmine is top of her class in most subjects, full of character and very pretty. She also competes in Jiu-jitsu.
Gabriel and Jasmine are doing very well. You should teach them Taijiquan, instead of Jiu-jitsu. You must not let your Taijiquan go to waste.
I was thinking that you should write some books on Taijiquan. You are very good in Taijiquan.
You can educate the difference of Taiji dance and Taijiquan, but do so carefully. Most people practice Taiji dance. They have no internal farce, and cannot use their Taijiquan techniques for combat. It is practicing Taijiquan as a martial art that they get the benefits.

A Taijiquan class in Penang, Malaysia. Please note that Grandmaster Wong is on the left, and Sifu Robin Gamble is on the right.
Question 7
I of course still train Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan daily. I also spar with other martial artists every couple of weeks. I train with some people that are exceptionally good fighters, some are undefeated amateurs. I find that I am still learning and developing at a good pace. Even though I am often the oldest person there, just 40, I am normally the most agile and flexible.
Although you are the oldest, you are the most agile and flexible. I look forward to receiving your updates against exceptional good fighters and undefeated amateurs..
Question 8
Every day I am so thankful for your teachings. I often find it hard to comprehend how lucky I was to find the teachings and to have the good fortune to continue their practise. A profound practise that opens the heart and expands the spirit. Thank you!
You are only 40. I am almost 80. Remember to practice your chi kung. Chi kung is for health, and Taijiquan is your hobby.
But educate the difference between Taiji dance and Taijiquan.
It is a practice that opens the heart and expands the spirit.
Selected Reading
- Why So Many Other Practitioners Do Not Get Benefit of High Level Chi Kung
- Turning Head, Thrust Punch and Merry-go-Round
- Yin-Yang, God and Health
- Reasons for and Benefits of Softness in Taijiquan
- Soft Techniquues and Internal Force in Monkey Kungfu