Bodhisatta Guan Yin

Bodhisatta Guan Yin

Question 1

I'm writing to thank you for information that you have shared in your books, "The Complete Book Of Shaolin" and "The Art of Chi Kung".

They have helped me with arthritis in my hands, sinusitis and has lower my blood pressure. I have passed some deep breathing exercises onto a friend who was having congestion after surgery.

An hour later, both he and his wife sent me emails thanking me for sharing the information as it helped my friend breathes better.

Recently, my son shared with me that he has a disease. I'm asking if you can recommend any exercises that he can do to ease his breathing problems.

Many thanks again for the information contained in your books.

— Robert, USA


"The Complete Book of Shaolin" and "The Art of Chi Kung" are two of the chi kung books I wrote. It is wonderful that you could read from the books that I wrote, as I presumed.

If you, your friend and his wife have not attained my Intensive Chi Kung Course, I will strongly advise you three to attend one. You three can learn a lot of things.

You can learn how "to enter into a chi kung state of mind," and how "to generate an energy flow", which I presumed you had done these.

You will also learn how to send energy to wherever you want, and how to develop internal force, which also contributes to not only sports and games but also to our daily lives.

Your friend and his wife can learn how "to enter into a chi kung state of mind", how "to generate an energy flow", how to send energy to wherever you and his wife want, and how to develop internal force.

Many return to take the Intensive Chi Kung Course again.

But I don't know when I can offer an Intensive Chi Kung Course, which you can access from my website.

Uncle Rightousness and Grandmaster Wong

Uncle Rightousness and Grandmaster Wong. Uncle Righteousness was on the rght, and Grandmaster Wong on the left when Grandmaster Wong was in his teen.

Question 2

Around 3 to 4 am this morning Sigung Lai Chin Wah visited me. I would be grateful if you could please confirm this.

I jumped out of bed and Sigung opened my points and I went into chi flow. I witnessed how effortlessly it was to relax spiritually, mentally and physically, and the rare gift of chi flow. It was instant healing.

— Parveen, Wales


I can't confirm whether Sifu Lai Chin Wah visit you.

Though he was a very good fighter, as demonstrated by his honourable nickname, Uncle Righteousness, which was more known to the kungfu circles than his real name.

As far as I know, he did not know energy points or chi flow.

Question 3

Sigung said I must have faith in our arts, and that chi kung healing can overcome "incurable" diseases


We must have faith in our arts, as I learned from genuine masters who were patriarchs of their arts, and there are no "incurable" diseases in chi kung healing.

I was awarded "Chi Kung (or "Qigong" in Romanized Chinese) Master of the Year" in 1997 by the Congress of Chi Kung (Qigong), which was more than 20 years ago, for my work in helping cancer patients recover.

I continuously help people with "incurable" diseases to recover.

Question 4

Sigung Lai Chin Wah spoke to me in Cantonese.


He spoke Cantonese, as all kungfu masters did, except Sifu Chee Kim Thong who spoke Hokkien (or Fujianese) as he was Hokkien (or Fujain).

Question 5

I feel so grateful to you Sifu and the blessing to be able to receive all the transmission from you and past masters and divine beings.


Divine beings like Bodhisattva Guan Yin and Immortal Li often come to bless and guide us. We are eternally grateful to them.

The Complete Book of Shaolin

"The Complete Book of Shaolin"

Question 6

But for me personally it is chi flow which works on all levels simultaneously -- physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and how the body can heal itself naturally through chi flow.


Chi flow is very important.

If a person is sick, we should teach him "low" level chi kung (or "qigong" in Romanized Chinese) followed by chi flow (or "energy flow").

"High" level chi kung, like stance training, "Cosmic Shower" and "Sinew Metamorphosis", are for kungfu.

It is often misunderstood that the chi kung we teach is of "high" level, especially for those who practice gentle, physical exercise, because chi kung healing deals with physical and psychological factors.

When there is chi, there is life.

Question 7

I realize now above all to have faith as "heart thinks events materialise". I'm sincerely grateful for these treasures.


"Heart thinks events materialize" or "sum seong si seng" (Cantoonese pronunciation) is very high level.

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit

Question 8

Letting go of your hand for the last three years and learning to walk myself have been so scary and challenging.


You must let go of my hand and learn to walk yourself.

Our loved ones who appear gone are always with us.



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