Children, picture taken from
As I have a family, I think it is possible that I may skip a couple of qigong practices every day. For instance, I kept vigil by my baby when he was sick for 2 days. If after I learnt qigong but have to skip some practices, would this affect my progress?
-- Christopher, Singapore
It is alright if you miss a practice session once a while if your practice is regular on the whole. If for some reasons you have to skip your training for a few days, the effect on your progress is marginal and can be rectified once you continue your training regularly.
It is detrimental only when the stoppage is of a long period, like many weeks or many months. If the stoppage is too long, the student may have lost all his accumulated effect, and may have to start from scratch.
If it is not convenient to practice formally, one may practices informally. For example, while standing in line in a queue or sitting on a seat in a bus or a plane, he can gently think of chi flowing down his body. If he is standing, he can sway gently in a chi flow. Of course, he must be able to generate a chi flow in the first place. If his “qigong” merely consists of external gentle exercise, he would be unable to have such informal practice.
While looking after your baby when he is asleep, you can practice qigong formally or informally. If you gently think of your baby during your practice, the benefit from your qigong practice can be transferred to him! Many people will find this incredible or crazy, but it is true.
Having a family should prompt you to rather than deter you from practicing qigong. Having a family calls for more responsibility. Practicing qigong provides you with more energy and mental freshness to provide better for your family. Moreover, the good energy generated by your qigong training can spread to and benefit your family.
When would it be good to introduce my children to qigong? Are there special considerations for teaching them qigong, and would you be able to teach them in an intensive course?
Anyone can benefit from qigong at any age. My youngest student was three months old. She was born with a pre-natal heart problem. Her mother brought the baby to me. I opened some relevant energy points and transmitted some energy to the baby. Then I taught the mother how to daily work on the baby with qigong. The baby recovered from her heart problem.
But to teach someone qigong exercises for him to practice on his own, a good age to start is around seven. Yes, there are special considerations when teaching qigong to children. As their concentration period is short, the teacher should teach as if for fun. Mistakes that he would normally correct in adults, he may ignore in children.
As children are playful, qigong exercises that involve much mind power should be avoid. They should be taught exercises that involve a lot of stretching at the physical level, which will also promote growth in children.
Yes, I would be able to teach children in my intensive course. While adults will benefit more, sending their children to my Intensive Chi Kung Course is one of the best gifts any parents can give to their children.
The above is taken from Questions 8 and 9 June 2004 Part 3 of the Selection of Questions and Answers.
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