Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit
Happy and Prosperous New Year to All.
After having taken 2 classes and having various yet minimal correspondences with Grandmaster Wong, I am giving my frank and honest opinion of him, to which none may agree with. But all that I state is all I believe about him. And I am leaving aside about the countless people he has helped in teaching these art, including myself as among them.
He has touched and merged with the Void several times on several occasions. He has had glimpses of cosmic transcendental reality. He has witnessed and interacted with high spiritual entities on a basis that would seem regular.
He has dispersed clouds. Healed people from afar. He stopped rain. Rebuilt sets of long lost classics of kung fu and chi kung. Done what most would only dream of, and what some couldn’t even fathom. Traveled around the world several times over, while maintaining a healthy family life (both with his immediate family and the Shaolin Wahnam Institute).
In my opinion, he worked tirelessly to transmit, again my viewpoint, amongst the most powerful, most refined and the most effective systems of self defense, energy work and spiritual cultivation in essence, to the point where not only does his teaching refines itself, but, and I could almost swear blindly to this, the skills he transmits evolve themselves. Arts and skills that were practiced by high, high level masters and geniuses, prodigies and down right anomalies are now institutionalized.
When the man says “ridiculous” or “at the amusement stage”, he meant it. I’m not even at basic adept level. I have only recently had serious correct practice, and to me, it is a beautiful dilemma to have to choose what to practice now.
There are pieces of advice and wisdom in the videos I have that I discard, in my ignorance, to only see their truths far later, at times in a timely fashion when I needed them most.
Frankly, in my most honest opinion about him, extrapolating it with what I have come to believe, he doesn't have to teach anyone anymore. He could, I believe, go right to Ultimate Reality, to never return and, in my honest opinion, have no negative backlash or impact on his spiritual development. Just simply quit, go and never come back.
By that thinking, I believing that he is choosing to stay out of compassion, which is even confirmed by Wong Chun Nga’s heartfelt and heart rending letter. And what little I have seen from him, and was taught by various sources, including my dearest friends and loved ones, is the lesson that Compassion Without Wisdom is absolutely dangerous. By that lesson, I also believe that Sigung simply wouldn't have that much compassion, especially to stay behind, without an equivalent level of wisdom being hand-in-glove together.
Even if I were to disagree with him on certain things (admittedly there were times I came close) I would simply say in my heart, "He has cosmic wisdom. He's seeing something I don't. Or operating on a level I'm not seeing."
I, for one, feel extremely lucky to not only learn from him, but also for what I learned from him.
So, I do say, yes, I am proud and honored and fortunate to have learned from Sigung Wong, even the limited amount that I did. I hope for more instances, but that which I already have can and will last me a lifetime. There are many whom I wish to honor by not only practicing these arts, but mastering them. My loved ones above all else. But, also to the man that started this thread and the man whom he calls “Sifu” and whom I call Sigung.
I am proud to have been taught by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit. And, according to my dearest ones and my experiences over the past few years, a lot of people/entities are glad, happy and proud I did, too.
Thanks for your time.
Happy New Year and Shaolin Greetings to all Masters, past, present and future.
Handsome Bear Andrew
1st January 2015
If you want to soar to the heights and reach the depths of Kung Fu, you must practice Chi Kung; if you want to soar to the heights and reach the depths of Chi Kung, you must practice meditation. -- Sitaigung Ho Fatt Nam
You are doing well. Carry on. -- Sigung Wong Kiew Kit