Sifu Joan and Grandmaster Wong in Ireland

Sifu Joan Browne
Chief Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam Ireland
17th December 2012
My Dear Family,
I am not sure what to write.
This was one of the most sublime and beautiful courses that I have taken with Sifu. In the past 14 months I have taken the Healing course, Iron Wire, Intensive Tai Chi Chuan and the Small/Big Universe and they have all been so different, so wonderfully profound, so precious, so powerful, so gentle and so very very beautiful.
This has changed my life once again, pushing me further subtly but profoundly.
During one session I could clearly see the circulation of the Small Universe and another session the Blessings and expansive Love of all the past Masters including Sigung Ho and Sigung Lai. The Blessings and Love filled up the room to capacity and I basked in its glow for days ................ still am to be honest ............. it is sooooooo beautiful and we are all so blessed to have Sifu guiding us with these wonderful teachings with such a generous and compassionate spirit.
I was very happy to have five of my own students attend and each one felt very blessed also. Congratulations to Maurice, Pat, Seamus, Una and Anne, it was a joy! It was so nice to hear Pat and Anne sing Irish Eyes are Smiling at the Graduation dinner. I didn't know that Pat could sing at all and he has not done so since secondary school ............. he is now 68! What an opening of the heart.
We had such fun and laughter meeting all of the family and it was so nice to see our Canadian and Japanese families once again too.
My heartfelt thanks to Sifu for these truly magnificent teachings. Again we are so Blessed.
What I feel after the course is not possible to put into words, it is so very special!
Mile Bhuiochas,
"Books don't mean a lot unless you open them, Hearts are the same."
"There is no coincidence, only Divine intervention." Sifu

Small and Big Universe Course 2012
The above discussion is reproduced from the thread Small Universe Course in December 2012 in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.