Matt enjoying a deep sense of peace during standing meditation
Dear Shaolin Wahnam family,
Ever since my first regional course with Sigung in summer 2009 I have aspired to attend the Intensive Chi Kung course and this year -- finally -- I was able to attend. Words cannot do justice to the experience but sublime, inspiring, transformational, awe inspiring and exquisite point in the right direction.
I have previously attended Generating Energy Flow, Cosmic Shower, Cosmic Breathing, Sinew Metamorphosis and Zen courses and this experience was on a whole new level.
As a result of this course my skills have deepened by a steep change and I gained new experiences during the purity of our Cosmic Shower and the quite perfect final day. In particular I managed finally to successfully follow instructions without thinking thinking thinking, even though I have been trying not to intellectualise during my practice. This is a major blockage for me, along with letting go. Thanks to Sigung's amazing program he helped me smash through to new experiences. It feels as if I have gained a much greater level of understanding of these incredible arts and their associated philosophy.
The whole course was amazing but the final day was just incredible, building off all the groundwork we had laid during the previous two days. We effectively practiced a new pattern that was only briefly introduced to demonstrate that skills are more important than techniques, used Lifting the Sky at the mind level, applied our skills to identify and solve problems with ease, sent chi to parts of the body and massaged internal organs, used Pushing Mountains at the mind level and ended with a pattern of our choosing which Sigung helped us also take to the mind level.
I was left feeling supremely joyful, wonderfully happy, incredibly peaceful and filled with love; yet also powerful, confident, and courageous. The last three years have been transformational and I am convinced this experience has turbocharged the continued transformation that I feel coming in the next days, weeks and months.
Thank you, Sigung, for accepting me on this course. Thank you for your amazing and generous teachings and transmission that are transforming my life for the better. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed, and from my heart I am deeply grateful.
Thank you Shaolin Wahnam brothers and sisters attending the course -- it was a privilege and honour to share this special time with you, for our conversations, company and fun and for sharing the journey together.
With greatest respect and blessings,
Shaolin salute,
Matt Wood

Matt and other course participants listening to Grandmaster explaining some chi kung philosophy
The above is reproduced from the thread Intensive Chi Kung Course -- Penang, April 2012