
I also experienced chi flow during the very first lesson, and towards the end of the course had such strong experiences during practice that I cried tears of joy.
-- Markus Kahila
Dear Sifu,
I don't know how to thank you enough. I feel I'm already getting tremendous rewards from practicing Chi Kung, and it's just been less than two weeks since your intensive course in Malaysia.
I wake up each morning with a smile, looking forward to practicing Chi Kung enormously. My practicing kungfu has progressed to a whole new level, the feeling of chi flowing strongly is always present during and after training.
Even the food I eat tastes better than before. The course itself completely excelled my expectations, which initially were already very high.
Not only did we enjoy the overwhelming hospitality and kindness of the course organizers and local Malaysian people alike, but I also experienced chi flow during the very first lesson, and towards the end of the course had such strong experiences during practice that I cried tears of joy. These experiences and many such afterwards when practicing at home have changed my life.
It is a dream of mine to attend your intensive Shaolin Kungfu course sometime in the near future, hopefully next year. Come what may, I am forever grateful for what you've taught me.
Best wishes,
Markus Kahila
25th October 2002

Markus, Roseline and Patrick listening to Sifu Wong's explanation during the Intensive Chi Kung Course in Malaysia in October 2002