The following discussion is reproduced from the thread A Discussion on Yielding started in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum on 14th February 2006. The name of a main contributor to this thread is removed as requested by him, and is replaced by “Challenger” or any term appropriate to the occasion. As the discussion is long, it is presented here in parts.

Sifu Anthony Korahais performs a yielding-countering technique with exaggerated footwork in one second. Please click here to view.
Sifu Marcus Santer
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam England
25th March 2006
Hello everyone,
I appreciate this has been a long thread and to those of you who have followed it from the beginning I apologise for this brief "interlude". The last few posts on this thread would seem to indicate that a review is in order.
Steve asked,
“Marcus, Why do you keep on having to refer to Challenger? The question is for you... no reply needed.”
By asking me this question in a public forum instead of asking me by PM or e-mail (which would have been more appropriate) I felt it necessary to reply in public. The original nature of this thread was for a debate between me and Challenger, which he refused to enter into. To put it nicely, this started because Challenger challenged me to add something specific from my own direct experience and understanding. I know it's asking a lot, but to avoid raking up old ground, please read this thread from the beginning. I know the answer to your question, you clearly don't.
Kind regards
Sifu Anthony Korahais
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam USA
25th March 2006
Hi Everyone.
As promised, I made another video to show that yielding and countering can be done in 1 second, even with a major footwork adjustment. I apologize in advance for the quality of the video. I could not borrow a digicam this weekend, so I had to use my camera phone. Nevertheless, I think it gets the job done.
I'd like to mention that the footwork was purposely exaggerated in this video. It may be a bit blurry, but if you watch carefully, you can see that I pull the front foot quite far back, and then place it all the way across the line on the pavement. This should be more than enough to simulate the footwork adjustment in the pictures of Simon and Mark. Without the exaggerated footwork, the technique can actually be done faster.
Anthony Korahais
a grandmaster of another school
25th March 2006
Is it Live or Memorex?
Sifu Santer:
Give it to me one more more more more time. I think you might be repeating yourself...repeating...yourself. Good grief, Charlie Brown! Give it a rest!
Sifu Korahais:
Did you ever actually look at the posted photo sequence? You don't include the forward step with the left foot at the end of the sequence, and you don't demo with a live opponent. Your video still is not the same as the photo sequence! Don't insult our intelligence, please!

Is the technique demonstrated by Sifu Anthony in the video clip similar to the one demonstrated by Simon above?
Sifu Jordan Francis
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam England
25th March 2006
Originally Posted by Challenger
“Did you ever actually look at the posted photo sequence? You don't include the forward step with the left foot at the end of the sequence, and you don't demo with a live opponent. Your video still is not the same as the photo sequence! Don't insult our intelligence, please!”
Sounds like someone's been proved wrong but can't admit it
Jordan Francis
Teaching in Bristol and Gillingham —
Classes in Bournemouth?
Shaolin Wahnam USA
26th March 2006
Siheng Anthony,
Thank you for supplying that video.
Quote Originally Posted by Challenger
“Did you ever actually look at the posted photo sequence? You don't include the forward step with the left foot at the end of the sequence, and you don't demo with a live opponent. Your video still is not the same as the photo sequence! Don't insult our intelligence, please!”
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