The following discussion is reproduced from the thread A Discussion on Yielding started in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum on 14th February 2006. The name of a main contributor to this thread is removed as requested by him, and is replaced by “Challenger” or any term appropriate to the occasion. As the discussion is long, it is presented here in parts.

What a hoot! (This picture is supplied by Challenger.)
a grandmaster of another school
26th March 2006
Eyes Wide Shut!'re all going to insult my intelligence by insisting that Photo #4 of Marcus's Post #142 (please see photo 4 below) does not clearly show the defender taking his last step forward with his left foot while executing the takedown? He even comes closer to the park bench in the background as proof that he was indeed stepping forward. Anthony boldly asserted that he could perform this application exactly as shown in the photo sequence against a live opponent in one (1) second or less. This he has not done thus far. Both of his volunteered videos to date show him ending his technique with the right foot forward, and were performed solo without demonstrating the technique on a live opponent as depicted in the photo sequence.
Both videos do demonstrate his hand technique in one second or less, but not with the same footwork as the photos depict, thus requiring considerably less time to execute. Anthony knows this, which is why he presented the videos in the manner he did. Close...but no cigar! He is barely able to perform the hand technique in the promised amount of time without the extra step required by the still photos, making it highly improbable that his boastful claim could be validated in the promised amount of time with the previously omitted step included. A totally lame and pathetic joke! You completely lose face again! '
Shaolin Wahnam Malaysia
26th March 2006
Dear Siheng Anthony,
Thank you for providing the 2 yielding videos. They prove to me, just as expected, that it can be done under 1 second. I have never doubted our Shaolin Wahnam arts from the start.
I also applaud the courage, wisdom and steadfastness of my Sihengs in face of the challenges on this thread. I have learned many things from their contributions.
With Shaolin Salute,
Lee Wei Joo
Editorial Note
The two videos can be accessed
Shaolin Wahnam USA
26th March 2006
Originally Posted by Challenger.
“'re all going to insult my intelligence by insisting that Photo #4 of Marcus's Post #142 does not clearly show the defender taking his last step forward with his left foot while executing the takedown?”
a grandmaster of another school
26th March 2006
From the Ridiculous to the Absurd!
I may not be the smartest guy on the planet, but I'm not blind! The still photo series of Post #142 clearly shows the defender taking an additional step in Frame #4, ending with his left foot forward in his final stance position. He doesn't merely shuffle his left foot forward in its rear position of the previous frames, like Anthony does, but actually steps forward with the left foot. Hello! The photograph doesn't lie!
Anthony approximates the performance of the arm and hand movements depicted in the still photos, but not the steps and footwork. Period! He begins and ends his video sequence in both videos with his right foot forward. He never takes that additional step forward with the left foot as shown in the still photo #4.
I'm glad the still photo sequence was posted along with both of the bogus video 'proofs', so they can be easily compared. Anyone with sufficient vision to closely examine both will be able to see that there is a major difference in the final stances of each. I am amazed that anyone would dare debate the discrepancy, and find it hard to believe that I alone am able to see the difference.
This is a grand joke, right? You're just messing with me now, right? And it isn't even April Fool's Day yet. video. What a hoot! Thanks guys. I'll be laughing about this one for years to come!

Did Simon take a step forward?
Sifu Darryl Collett
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam Scotland
26th March 2006
Dear Challenger,
I think I've finally understood where you're coming from.
In post #142, the first picture has Simon with his right leg in front. Are you under the impression that the 4th picture has Simon with his left leg in front (and the photographer has moved)?
If so, this explains the confusion. The transition from picture #3 to picture #4 is a 90o degree turn to Simon's left, not swapping one foot for the other. This is why you don't see the extra step in Anthony's video's, because it was never there in the picture display.
Picure 1 - Right leg forwards, weight 50/50 Picture 2 - Right leg forwards, shifting weight towards the back leg Picture 3 - Right leg forwards, shifting weight towards the front leg Picture 4 - Right leg forwards, weight 50/50 with a 90o degree turn to the left by pivoting on the feet, not swapping them over or lifting them off the ground.
In post #144, Simon wrote
"damn, someone spotted the changed foot position! It could have been worse, if Mark had stepped in with the other leg I would have had to switch stance completely for the throw. "Which is why students of Wahnam first learn to come back to false leg before stepping forward again. Only later is the move done as a swallow."
I believe Simon has made the same mistake as me and not noticed you are referring to a missing photo. His comment is referring to Pictures #2 & 3 in my summary, not #3.5. His answer would have read as
Picure 1 - Right leg forwards, weight 50/50 Picture 2 - Right leg moves back, both feet now next to each other Picture 3 - Left leg forwards, placing foot behind the assailants leg Picture 4 - Left leg forwards, weight 50/50 with a 90o degree turn to the right by pivoting on the feet, not swapping them over or lifting them off the ground.
So he would have had to change his stance (from right to left) and it would have included an extra step (by moving the right leg back and left leg forwards), but it would still be the same as the 4 picture series (except felling to the other side).
When you wrote
"making what appears to be four weight transfers... i.e. forward to initially contact the pusher, backward to yield and neutralize, withdraw lead foot from inside the pusher's leg and reposition it outside his leg with a forward step, ending with another forward step to perform the takedown."
In Post #143, I missed what you were saying. There is no other step forwards, we apply the felling technique there and then.
Darryl Collett
Shaolin Wahnam Scotland
"If the food comes first, we eat then talk. If the food takes time, we talk then eat"
Cha Muir
Shaolin Wahnam Canada
26th March 2006
The other left
Dear Darryl
Thanks for clearing this up for us.
To be honest, I'm really curious to see how this one turns out.
"No, no, no, the other left!"
Wishing you continued mirth and merriment,