Sitting Meditation

Sitting Meditation


Wasn’t Immortal Zhang San Feng referring to sitting meditation when he wrote "not miss hit-sittng" on the Treatise?

Why and how did you find becoming so powerful to be a burden to yourself and others?

Sifu Angel Guillermo, Shaolin Wahnam Puerto Ricue


Yes, the great Zhang San Feng was referring to sitting meditation in a lotus position when he mentioned “hit-sitting” in the Treatise.

“Hit-sitting” was my literal translation. In Romanized Chinese it is “da zuo”. It means sitting in a lotus position or a semi-lotus position in spiritual cultivation. Sitting meditation is the paramount path to attaining the Great Void.

I practiced sitting meditation every night, and I became very powerful. One day while waiting in a bank I tried to test my mind power. I chose a Malay gentleman whom I believed would not have practiced meditation formally.

I used my mind to will him to stand up, walk three steps to his right side, look around, walk to the entrance of the bank, walk away to his left side so that he could not be visible from where I was waiting, walk back to the entrance and walk to the place where he was sitting, stand there for some time, stretch his left ear with his right hand, then sit down.

These were not exactly the things I asked him to do with my mind, but it gave a good picture. Imagine my utter surprise that he did exactly what I asked him to do! I blessed him and decided not to practice sitting meditation any more.

My mind became so powerful. I knew that I would never abuse this mind power, but I did not want to teach others to have the possibility of this burden.

The above episode is mentioned in my autobiography, “The Way of the Master”. Have fun finding out where it occurs and reading it.

The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread Questions to Grandmaster on Wudang Kungfu/Taijiquan & Zhang San Feng in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.

