Jorge Leon García
Shaolin Wahnam Instructor, Spain

Jorge with Sifu Wong and some other Shaolin Wahnam instructors at the Shaolin Wahnam Centre in Costa Rica. From left to right, front to back: Attilio (Italy), Jorge (Spain), Sifu Wong, Rama (Costa Rica), Piti (Colombia), Rafael (Colombia), Laura (Spain) and Pragata (France).
Amazing Experience in the Garden of Timelessness
Editorial Note: This account is reproduced, with Sifu Jorge Leon García's permission, from a private report he wrote to other Shaolin Wahnam instructors.
Barcelona, April 30, 2004
Dears Sisters and Brothers,
I am writing to you in order to share the GREATEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE I have felt in my whole life. It happened during the course in Costa Rica, in the inauguration of the Shaolin Wahnam Center in the Garden of Timelessness.
Thinking of the “Blue Mountain” (Chirripó)... I feel moved, I find it difficult to find the words to explain so much beauty and loveliness... But even if I could find the most beautiful words, they still would not be able to portray such immense beauty. GOD WAS IN ME AND I WAS IN GOD. For an instant I could feel the ancient WARRIOR MONKS FLOWING INSIDE MY BEING; fluidity and solidity at the same time, elegance, peace and inner joy.
I believe my way of teaching is becoming more profound, and I feel not only that I learnt the movements of different patterns, BUT ALSO THAT THE TEACHINGS WENT BEYOND THE FORM AND REACHED THE CONSCIOUSNESS, and they are now reflected in my attitude towards people, they get manifested in generosity towards people, humility towards all sentient beings and love towards all sentient beings. I had very intense spiritual experiences which I will never forget, something inside of me has changed forever.
The people who attended the course said that the Buddha or God was there with all of us to fill us with beauty and compassionate love, inner joy, interior peace and happiness, all of them sublime and exceptional feelings; I had never experienced anything like this before. I cry with interior happiness, it has almost been two months and I still feel as if I were in the Kuan Yin Temple in the Garden of Timeless, which was EXTRAORDINARY AND MAGNIFICENT.
I have had the feeling that Kuan Yin has sent us many blessings for Sifu and his family, blessings for our school and our tradition, blessings for our instructors — brothers and sisters — all over the world, and blessings for all of our students, the number of which will grow more and more. I feel immense GRATITUDE.
Greetings and Regards for all.
Namo Amitabha Buddha Namo Amitabha Buddha Namo Amitabha Buddha
Jorge León García
Shaolin Wahnam Barcelona
Note - I request pardon because my English is not very good.

Jorge practicing Taijiquan combat with Rama