Striking Hands

Brush Top Strike Bottom

Another effective counter against side attacks at the top is to brush them away according to their momentum, not against it. Then strike the opponent below at his ribs, remembering to “tame” his hand so that he cannot counter-strike. This is the tactic of “Sound East Strike West”, where the brushing hand on top acts as a distracting move besides deflecting the opponent's attack. This brushing technique is from “Cloud Hands”, and like warding off from “Immortal Waves Sleeves”, can be used against any side attacks. The crucial point is not so much the hand technique but “shen-fa” or body-movement.

Please chick the picture or the caption below to view the video

Brush Top Strike Bottom of Wahnam Taijiquan from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

You can also view the video here



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