
Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques at the UK Summer Camp of July 2006

“Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques” can be practiced at the following levels:

  1. Gentle physical exercise
  2. Chi kung at form level
  3. Chi kung at energy level
  4. Chi kung at mind level
  5. Martial art

The set is shown in the video clips in three parts:

The exercises can be practiced in various ways:

We wish to thank Hubert Razack of Shaolin Wahnam France for recording the video.

Please chick the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Part 1

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques -- Part 1

Part 2

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques -- Part 2

Part 3

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques

Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques -- Part 3

You can view all three parts of Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques here


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