Eagle Claw Kungfu

Many people may be surprised that they do not see typical Eagle features in this Style

The solo Eagle Claw Sequences 1 to 15 are reviewed here. Many people may be surprised that they do not see features of eagles, like eagles spreading their wings or flying about in the air, which they see in modern Eagle Claw wushu. They do not even see the Eagle Claw that gives this kungfu style its name. Then, do not know why it is called Eagle Claw Kungfu?

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Solo Sequences 1 and 2 Solo Sequences 3 and 4 Solo Sequence 5
Eagle Claw Kungfu Eagle Claw Kungfu Eagle Claw Kungfu
Solo Seqjuece 6 Solo Sequences 7 and 8 Solo Sequence 9
Eagle Claw Kungfu Eagle Claw Kungfu
Solo Sequence 11 Solo Sequence 12
Eagle Claw Kungfu Eagle Claw Kungfu Eagle Claw Kungfu
Solo Sequence 13 Solo Sequence 14 Solo Sequence 15

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

Where are the Eagle Features of this Style from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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