As many martial artists today spar like Boxers irrespective of what martial art they actually practice, it is logical that you must know how to handle a Boxer if you want to be combat efficient. A Boxer’s strong point is his speed, and his weakness is his limitation of techniques.
This video series shows some effective ways of neutralizing his speed. You can gently brush off his fast punches and cover him adequately so that it is difficult if not impossible for him to continue striking. The longer range of your Bow-Arrow Stance compared to the shorter range of Boxer's stances give you a lot of advantages.
Neutralizing the Speed of a Boxer
Exposing Yourself | Close and Chase | Advantage of Stance |
Front Guard Hand | Deflecting Gently | Deflect and Brush Off |
Adjusting Stance | Deflecting Punches | Not from Inside |
Not Hard Block | From Outside | Deflect and Close |
Neutralizing the Speed of Boxers in Shaolin Kungfu from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.