Once you have understood the principles of throws and locks, fighting against Judo and Aikido opponents is not difficult. To show some impromptu counters against Judo and Aikido attacks, Grandmaster Wong asks those who are good at these arts to attack him in any way they like. It is interesting that Grandmaster Wong uses only one hand in his counter, reserving the other hand to drink tea, as he often jokingly says. Can you see from the videos what are the two principal factors that enable Grandmaster Wong to counter Judo and Aikido attacks so efficiently?
Counters against Judo and Aikido
Round-Body Throw | Over-Shoulder Throw | Over-Shoulder Throw |
Back-Body Lock | Twist-Arm Lock | Twist-Arm Lock |
Over-Body Lock | Over-Shoulder Lock | Double Arm Lock |
Shaolin Counters against Judo and Aikido from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.