Taijiquan on the Blue Mountain Part 18 — Life (Almost)
8th to 12th March 2009


Wahnam Taijiquan

The fine points in flowing with an opponent's momentum

How would you ensure that you have the best advantages of the techniques you are applying? This is realized by having picture-perfect form. And a good way to realize this is to attain the three harmonies of legs, body and hands, which correspond to good stances, waist rotation and correct hand forms. Some finer points regarding skills -- like how to sense an opponent's force, how to flow with his momentum and how to deflect his attack -- are also explained.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Pushing from Right Pushing from Left Pushing from Left
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Solo Movement Class Practice Class Practice
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Sensing Force Good Footwork Good Body-Movement
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Flowing with Opponent Deflecting Attack

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

Picture-Perfect From and Sophisticated Skills of Wahnam Taijiquan from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Please click here for an Overview of the entire course

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