Penang 29 April to 5 May 2010

Grandmaster Wong and Sifu Tim demonstrating a Wing Choon combat application
- Developing Internal Force Using Siu Lin Tou
- Learning the Form of Siu Lin Tou
- Cham Kiew or Searching for Bridge
- Phew Chee or Thrusting Fingers
Stances and Forms
Internal Force with Siu Lin Tou
- Using Energy Flow to Move Form
- Energy-Flow Level of Siu Lin Tou
- Converting Energy Flow to Internal Force
- Internal Force Level of Siu Lin Tou
- Hard and Soft Internal Force
Chi Sau or Sticking Hands
- Introduction ot Chi Sau
- The Importance of Waist Rotation
- Phong Sau and Kham Sau against Middle Attacks
- Low Attacks and their Defences
- Chiet Sau or Cutting Hand against Side Attacks
Cham Kiew or Searching for Bridge
Wing Choon Combat Sequence
Developing Sensing Skill
- Basic Hand Techniques of Stationary Chi Sau
- Developing Thien Keng or Sensing Skill
- Training of Energy and Mind
- The Use of Tactics in Wing Choon Kungfu
- Sensing with Mind in Wing Choon Kungfu
- Sap Luk Sau or Sixteen hand Techniques
- Performing Sap Luk Sau Blind-Folded
- Free Movement Chi Sau in Blind-Fold
Hand Techniques in Chi Sau
- Taming or Locking Opponent and Simultaneously Striking Him
- Excellent Counters Proposed by Course Participants
- Exploiting Opponents' Weaknesses in Combat
- When you are being Locked and Pressed against a Wall
- Moving from In-Gate to Out-Gate
- Effective Counters against Grips and holds
- No-Defence-Direct-Counter against Formidable Bottom Attacks
- Horizontal Chops and Crane Beaks in Side Attacks
- Top and Middle Attacks and teeir Counters
- Bottom and Side Attacks and theri Counters
Phew Chee and Free Sparring
Kicking Techniques in Chi Sau
- Thrust Kicks and their Counters
- Smart Practice Makes Perfect
- Understanding Wing Choon Principles and Practice
- Practicing Chi Sau while being Blind-Folded
- Effective Counters against Kicks
- Cockerel Kicks against Whirlwind Kicks
- Counters against Low Sweeping Kicks
- Striking or Intercepting Opponents' Kicks
- Sap Ye Theak or Twelve Kicks
- How would you Escape from this Difficult Situation
Felling and Chin-Na Techniques
- Felling a Giant Almost Effortlessly
- Turning a Weakness into a Strength
- Butterfly Palms against Double-Grip Chin-Na Attack
Sophisticated Applications from Innocent-Looking Patterns
- Do you Know the Combat Applications of these Apparently Useless Patterns
- Sophisticated Applications of Seemingly Harmless Patterns
- Have Fun Deciphering Sophisticated Applications from Innocent-Looking Patterns
- Big and Small Movements in Wing Choon Hand Techniques
- The Course is Full of Interesting Surprises
Felling, Knee Jabs and Gripping
- Felling Techniques in Wing Choon Kungfu
- Neutralizing Opponents' Attacks with your Legs
- Wing Choon Chin-Na and Counters
- Thiet-Cheit-Na or Felling-Kneeing-Gripping
Using Minimum Force against Maximum Strength
- How Elegant Ladies can Handle Muscular Brutes
- Free Sparring While being Blind-Folded
- Deflecting Attacks without Looking at Them
From Technique Sparring to Sequence Sparring
- Moving from Technique-Level to Sequence-Level in Sparring
- Small Difference in Movements Can Make Big Difference in Result
- Applying Planned Sequence Irrespective of Opponents' Response
- Don't Hand your Defeat to your Opponent
Delving into Wing Choon Secrets
- Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
- Creating Opportunity to Defeat Opponent
- Secrets of Crane Beak and Double Punch
- Open Secrets and Close Secrets
- Secrets of Sequence Sparring
Against Boxing, Kick-Boxing and Taekwondo
- Covering the Fast Strikes of a Boxer
- Avoiding a Boxer's Strong Pints and Attacking his Weakness
- Counters against Hooks and Undercuts
- Handling Aggressive Attackers and Counters against Chain Punches
- Attacking the Weaknesses of Kick-Boxers
- Moving to the Back of an Opponent who Kicks
- Effective Counters against Taekwondo Kicks
Against Muay Thai and Wrestling
- Counters against Muay Thai Attacks
- When Leg Comes, Counter with Leg
- Shoots, Lifts and Pin-Downs
- Lazy Man Smokes Pipe
- Having Fun with Wrestling Attacks and Counters
- How did Past Wing Choon Masters Deal with Wrestlers and Grapplers
Grand Finale and Post Script
- Free Movement Chi Sau while being Blind-Folded
- Sap Lu Sau or Sixteen Hand Techniques
- Sap Ye Theak or Twelve Kicks
- Thiet-Cheit-Na or Fell-Knee-Grip

Wing Choon Kungfu against Boxing