An Intensive Chu Kung Course

Intensive Chu Kung Course

Question 1

I am inquiring as to how one would obtain an instructor training certificate in the beautiful art of chi gong. I know I am infinite intelligent and my healing journey began in 2013 in Ireland when I met an instructor.

— Maher, Ireland


I am sorry you won't be considered to be a Shaolin Wahnam instructor.

I would strongly recommend that you attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course. It is understandable that many people may wonder what they can learn at the course that lasts for only a few days.

You can learn a lot like entering into a chi kung state of mind and generating an energy flow, which you may not learn elsewhere. I do not offer any intensive courses at present, but please check my website for available dates.

I would suggest that you should come for a few days before or after the course. Malaysia is a very safe place.

Question 2

I was feeling grateful for the role of being a healer and how much I love it and I am thinking how lucky I have been to have a great teacher to guide me -- you Sifu.

— Parveen, England


You will be a great healer in future. Chi Kung Healing will be the world medicine. It is a matter of time. But we must remember to be friends with the medical drug companies and the medical circles.

Medical drug companies and Western trained doctors can be wealthy financially and spiritually by coating pills with sugar of different flavours instead of practicing genuine chi kung which may take a long time.

Carrying the Moon

Carrying the Moon

Question 3

I had envisioned my role to empower girls and women to become in balance and awaken their divineness through the Shaolin arts and also empower people to heal themselves using natural ways/remedies.

In the past, I shut down the healers path as I was afraid I would get sick again and drained, but this time the knock is so loud and close to home I can no longer deny it.


The best exercises in all of chi kung are the three exercises I teach in the Intensive Chi Kung Course, which are "Lifting the Sky", "Pushing Mountain" and "Carrying the Moon". They set energy to flow.

We must teach from a posititon of strength and charge high fees. Charging high fees is actually for the students' interest, though they may not understand it. Most people just practice gentle, physical exercise which does not contribute to health, vitaltiy and longevity. Thus, many people are weak and sick.

Teach your patients the form only. The energy and the mind aspects can come later, but they must have a chi flow. It sustains them to live.

Question 4

I am ready to be a healer and I don't want to wait for a "perfect time or until I am perfect" because I have finally realised "now is perfect".


One can be a healer when he (or she) is ready. There is no need to be perfect. As you have taken a Chi Kung Healing Course, you are ready. A Chi Kung Healer has the heart of a parent; you must take the same medicine when prescribed to patients.

It is only logical as when there is chi, there is life. I learned it years ago in Spain. I couldn't remember the patient's name as it was so long ago. She suffered from cancer and she was dying, but she said that whenever she did chi kung she would live. She recovered from her cancer and lives happily. At first I thought what she said was poetic, but later I realized that it was the truth.

Horse-Riding Stance

Horse-Riding Stance

Question 5

I am not pregnant. Joel and I decided now is not the right time.


The answer I gave was a preparation. It is wonderful to bring life to the world.

Western medical drug companies and Western trained doctors need not undo their training. With the advance in technology Western medical drug companies can make wonderful drugs, and Western trained doctors have the great respect of the public, whereas chi kung take years to be proficient.

Question 6

How should I advise kungfu participants to practice on their own, if I don't teach chi flow at all? Should they just repeat the exercises and end? Should they stand still a bit after completing the repetitions or think of their dan tian?

— Sifu Leonard Lackinger, Shaolin Wahnam Wien


It is important to remind kungfu students that if they follow your kungfu programme correctly, they will not only have good health, vitality and longevity, they will also have combat efficiency

My sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, told me, "Many people learn kungfu, but actually they don't learn kungfu; they practice kungfu." The main difference between learning and practicing is that in learning, a practitioner learns something new; in practicing, he practices over and over again what he has learned.

This is particularly important to Western practitioners. They learn kungfu sets after kungfu sets for many years, but they never improve.

Regarding stance training, your students need to check that their practice is correct. They should remain at the stance for some time -- at least 5 minutes for the Horse-Riding Stance, and 15 minutes for the Three-Circle Stance.

Your students must practice every day. After checking that their form is correct, your students practice the stance. They may start at any comfortable time.

Let us say a practitioner starts at 0.5 minute. This is his comfortable starting time. He stays at 0.5 minute for two days. As a result of his daily practice, he may be able to add another 0.5 minute on the third day. In this way he may be able to stand, or "sit" in kungfu terminology, for 5 minutes for his Horse-Riding Stance.

Sequence 5 to 8

Combat Sequence 5 to 8

Question 7

Should they take some time to relax before starting the practice?


A student must be relaxed all the time if he wants to progress in kungfu. He must enter into a chi kung state of mind, or enter Zen. In Western terms it is entering into a heightened level of consciousness.

I learned this during my years of teaching. But when I was a student, I remember clearly that my sifu told me if I was not relaxed and not focused, I might as well not practice kungfu as I would not get any benefit.

But you need not mention "entering into a chi kung state of mind" to your students so as not to confuse them. Leave that to those who want to learn personally from you and those who are deserving.

Question 8

Including the sequences 5 to 8 in the first book sounds like a good idea.


You can include Shaolin combat sequences 5 to 8, but it is useful to mention that combat sequences 1 to 4 train skills, and combat sequences 5 to 8 expand techniques. Let your students realize the difference between skills and techniques.

I learned this, i.e. the difference between skills and techniques, in my teaching. Most people do not make a difference, though in Chinese "skills" is referred to as "gong" (pronounced as /kung/), and "techniques" is referred to as "fa". Many people think, wrongly, that if one practices techniques long enough, he can become a master.

One main difference between skills and techniques is to practice, not just to learn. If one learns and learns, he becomes a learner or a scholar, but not a master.

Question 9

Should the recommended length for a Kung Fu training session on their own be the usual 30-60 minutes?
Should the recommended length for a Chi Kung training session on their own be the usual 15 minutes?


The recommended length for kungfu and chi kung training depends on various factors. But you can mention that those who train kungfu for 30-60 minutes and those who train chi kung for 15 minutes, provided that they train correctly, will have good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys in a year. Those who train kungfu will also have combat efficiency.

It is preferable to train twice a day, but the training sessions must be far apart, like once in the morning and once in the evening or at night. It is important to remind your students that our kungfu and chi kung are very powerful.



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