: The Q & A Series will end on Apr 25 Part 1, but he Series will carry on as usual.
"Chi Kung State of Mind"
Question 1
I really want to join your Chi Kung Intensive Course, but I'm living with my elderly mom. I am taking care of my mom every day, so I can't go abroad.
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, may be you have certified instructor so I can learn from your instructor.
— Darmi, Indonesia
You can learn from Sifu Joko Riyanto in Bandung if he is teaching.Instructors generally leave intensive courses to me, which are different from regular classes. In regular classes the emphasis is on practicing, whereas in intensive courses the emphasis is on learning.
In your regular practice every day, you are advised to practice at about 30% or less of your potential. 30% is actually very high when compared to the majority who practice gentle, physical exercise. Gentle, physical exercise does not give good health, vitality and longevity.
In my Intensive Chi Kung Course you will get good health, vitality and longevity. You will also get peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion.
Question 2
You have also written an explanation on the Heart Sutra. I wish to say how wonderful your book is! It has encapsulated the teachings in one precise place! We look forward to seeing your book published.
— Parveen, UK
My Heart Sutra can be accessed at
At first I intended to complete and publish the Heart Sutra, as it is the Enlightenment of Guan Yin Bodh Satt. But I shall leave the published books to capable instructors like Leo (Sifu Leonard Lackinger of Austria), Andrew (Sifu Andrew Barnett of Switzerland) and others.
I shall give intensive courses in Malaysia and travel occasionally.

The Heart Sutra
Question 3
I came across Bodhisattva Vimalakriti in the book "Faces of Compassion" and his experience resonates as what I have just been through!
There is a Vimalakirti Sutra.
It describes "sunyata", or emptiness, and the phenomenal world as illusions, and the superiority of Mahayana Buddhism over other spiritual cultivations.
This sutra is popular in East Asia but not well acclaimed in India and Tibet.
Vimalakirti was not a monk but a lay person like you and me.
Question 4
I might have a few new students signing for Generating Qi Flow and Fundamentals of Taijiquan Level 1.
— Angel, Spain
It is high time that you teach and help to spread the wonderful benefits of chi kung and kungfu. You must speak from the position of strength, and charge high fees. People may not practice if you don't charge them high fees.
You are rich and don't depend on students. Charging high fees is actually for the sake of the students, but many people may not understand.
Charging high fees is a good way to make the students learn. Not only our kungfu, including Taijiquan, is genuine, but we are at a very high level. You should read "The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan".
I use the term "Tai Chi Chuan", and not "Taijiquan" in Romanized Chinese, because the book is in English, and that is the usual English spelling. In the book I make an outlandish claim. I claim that 90% of Taijiquan "practitioners" get only 10% of genuine Taijiquan benefits.
You and Paz are two of my proudest students. I still think fondly of you coming for the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course. At first I thought of cancelling the course. I was glad I offered it, and you did very well. You learned a lot of secrets.

"San Zhan" or Three Battles is the fundamental set of Wuzuquan
Question 5
My Wudang Kungfu training has been progressing very nicely. Still, I need to be careful because the force generated can be quite overwhelming and leads to overtraining quite easily. I realise that the more relaxed I am, the more powerful the Qi flow gets. Also, the more fluid my movements are, the more relaxed I get.
I've been postponing any new posts for the articles because I wanted to have a better grasp and more experience with practicing the Wudang Kungfu set
Wudang Kungfu is great. The more relaxed and fluid you are, the more internal force you can generate. Internal force is not only for combat, sports and games, but also for daily living.
You should start to post your articles concerning Wudang Kungfu or any kungfu. You are good at chi kung and kungfu.
We continue learning. I keep on learning with a clear mind.
Students in Shaolin Wahnam are very lucky. They must have done a lot of good deeds in the past. Not only can they learn in one month what I took more than a year, they also have good health, vitality and longevity, and in your case combat efficiency, and they find every day peaceful and joyful.
You have to be careful of over-training. It is true that typical students in Shaolin Wahnam can get in one month what I took more than a year to get in my student's days.
I took about 20 years to have internal force, despite learning from Sifu Chee Kim Thong who was known to be the living treasure of the People's Republic of China, and about 25 years to defeat convincingly real masters and professional fighters. Most importantly, I have good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion.
I remember that when I practiced Kneading Hands with Sifu Chee Boon Leong, the eldest son of Sifu Chee Kim Thong, Sifu Chee Boon Leong just put his arms over mine and I could not move away from him. Yet, Sifu Chee Boon Leong told us to relax, in his favourite saying "mg meng yong luk" (Hokkien pronunciation, as most Wuzuquan practitioners speak Hokkien).
At that time it was my fault, as I did not know that the more one relaxed, the more internal force he could generate. I also wondered how could a person fight if he did not tense his muscles. Many things I discovered when I started teaching, like how to relax and smiling from the heart.
I was happy that later I gave a Special Wuzuquan Course. "San Zhan", or Three Battles, the fundamental set in Wuzuquan, has become the favourite set of many students and instructors.
"San Zhan" has remained unchanged for 700 years since it was first practiced in the Yuan Dynasty in Chinese history. The set we practiced at the course was the same set I learned from Sifu Chee Kim Thong, which has remained unchanged for 700 years.
Question 6
I try to recreate or remember the steps back but I can't tell. It's like form, qi and spirit merging and I am somehow in another dimension. Can you shed some light on this, please?
Initially we pay much attention to picture-perfect form, as the form gives us many advantages. I owe my picture-perfect form to my first sifu, Uncle Righteousness, as he took care to check my form.
When we become advanced, we just let momentum move the form. In "Drunken Eight Immortals", for example, we purposely avoid opponents by using awkward form.

I owe my picture-ferfect form to Uncle Righteousness
Question 7
In my 57th birthday celebration I did some Dim Mark just for fun. It was fun watching the faces of amazement of everyone!
It was your 57th birthday! I thought you were young. But at 75 I still feel young.
I am glad you attended the "Dim Mark" course. I am not surprised that everyone was amazed. We also learned "Dragon Force" and "Lightning Speed".
It was true that students took some time to become masters, though only selected students were invited, but you took the Dragon Strength Course, where the above arts were taught, in just a few days, and now you are a master. Perhaps, now you can believe that a typical Shaolin Wahnam student took a month what I took more than a year in my student's days.
In "Dragon Force" you can use any part of your body to generate force. I demonstrated "Dragon Force" a few times. In "Lightning Speed" you can move so fast that other people cannot see your movements. Y ou move at the speed of thought.
Question 8
I will like to travel to Malaysia just to visit and see you, hopefully soon, if even to just sit near and enjoy your company, dear Sifu!
Of course, you can visit Malaysia any time you like, but the lockdown is still on and traveling may not be easy.
Selected Reading
- Chi Kung State of Mind and Chi Flow
- Chi Kung: the Art of Developing Vital Energy
- Introduction to the Heart Sutra
- Golden Bell and Weapon Attacks
- Arrival at Chennai, the Old Madras