JUNE 2023 PART 1

Lion Dance
Question 1
The local lion dance and kung fu instructor in our community has been teaching me Fujian Lion Dance and Fujian White Crane. He teaches at the community center as well as his own group of students who are elementary, junior and senior high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
— Shaolin Wahnam instructor, name and address withheld
You are quite senior and I do not want him to say that he is teaching you together with his students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
"Shifu" and "coach" have different connotations. Most instructors in modern wushu prefer to be addressed as coaches.
I prefer to use "sifu" instead of "shifu". "Sifu" means "teacher-father". He must have the heart of a parent, and treats his students like his own children.
It may not be easy to tell the instructor that you want to stop learning from him. You can try telling him that you don't have time.
I hope that one day you can bring the Shaolin arts back to the China. How is your chi kung healing? We in Shaolin Wahnam are the ones who claim that so-called incurable diseases can be overcome, as when there is "chi" there is life.
Question 2
I have signed up for the online kung fu course of Siheng Leo.
— Bala, India
Siheng Leo is a very good instructor. You can be sure that he teaches genuine chi kung and kungfu courses. You have to learn the Shaolin 16 combat sequences. It is not easy to learn them, but they will give you internal force and combat application.
Internal force will contribute to your good health and happiness, and will enable you to use kungfu for combat. As we live in a law abiding society, it may not be necessary to use kungfu combat but it will add to your health.

Question 3
Xingyiquan interests me a lot lately. Could someone practice the Wudang San Feng set and manifest the spirit of Wudang by using Xingyiquan when fighting?
Can I also ask what are Sifu's 10 favourite classical kungfu textual writings?
— John, Ireland
Practicing Xingyiquan and using it like Wudang San Feng set depends on the skills of the practitioner. I believe you can do so as you have attended my Xingyiquan and Wudang San Feng courses. Right now I am practicing Wudang San Feng set.
My ten classical kungfu writings are as follows, or at least those parts that are relevant:
1. The training of internal force.
2. The Songs of Baguazhang.
3. The five animals of Shaolin Kungfu.
4. The internal training of Zhang San Feng.
5. WudangTaijiquan.
6. The Internal Aspects of Xingyiquan.
7. Treasure of Internal Arts.
8. Dim Mark, Chin-Na and Internal Force.
9. Art of War.
10. Treasures of Strategists.
Question 4
In Sifu's expert opinion, which is a fact, what is the number one skill an exponent should have in order to use the San Feng set for combat?
The number one skill is to relax.
If a person cannot relax, both physically and psychologically, he is stressed. If he cannot relax physically, he cannot use his combat applications properly.
More important is psychologically. If he cannot relax psychologically, he cannot think properly.
The trouble is that most people cannot relax physically and psychologically. If they can relax physically and psychologically, they can beat their opponent comfortably. If they have no internal force, they can poke at the eyes of their opponents, or kick at their groins.

San Feng Taijiquan
Question 5
Carlos is doing Chi-kung, twice a day. He is feeling very good. I am happy because Elena is doing it every night.
— Carmen, Spain
You will contribute to good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. Just practice the stances correctly and some of the combat applications. Remember that our Taijiquan is very "high" compared to other people not in our school.
I recall that when I first taught kungfu, some family members suggested that I added "Advance Course", but I told them that they were just fundamental. You may have to practice longer as you add Taijiquan to your practice.
Perhaps you can join Carlos in his practice of chi kung. It is great that husband and wife practice together.
I am glad that Elena is practising chi kung. "It is one of the best things that everyone can do when practicing chi kung; it is better that changing stones to gold" says a Chinese proverb. When there is "chi" or energy, there is life.
Question 6
I practice chi-kung everyday besides the Tai Chi Chuan patterns. I couldn't practice the stances because of a very bad fall.
You can gradually raise your injured hand. Do this everyday for a few days.
Raise your injured hand and grasp your fingers. Do this for a few days.
In this way you can use your hands. You must progress slowly and carefully.
It is important that you must stop if you feel any pain.

Teaching Taijiquan
Question 7
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have a nice time today with your family and other dear ones, enjoying your time together.
May you still live many happy years in this world, and may you always be blessed wherever you are.
You may indeed be proud of having lived a significant and useful life, having helped literally many thousands of people.
I am sure the Buddhas, Guan Yin, your Sifus, and many heavenly beings are very proud of you, and very happy.
Wishing you always the very best, and always with my deepest gratitude and affection,
—Javier, Spain
Thank you very much for your birthday wishes.
I have a beautiful day every day, though at present I cannot see my grandchildren and are restricted. Every day is my birthday.
I have lived a very happy life, having saved many people from so-called incurable diseases, and being kind to all people.
I started my journey when my sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third generation successor from the Shaolin Monastery from Quanzhou, asked me to spread the Shaolin arts irrespective of race, culture and religion. I spread the arts to non-Chinese in different parts of the world, and am very happy to have many successors, including you.
I am indeed very blessed and I am very fortunate for the blessings from divine beings. My sifus must be proud of me.
Question 8
All the Heavens must be very proud of you, Sifu.
Self-love is the first step to loving others. You have to love yourself. I am glad that I can be of help.
The present restriction will soon be over. It is a lovely world.
If you want to be an instructor in our school, please let me know. Remember that we teach very high chi kung and kungfu, and we must speak from a position of strength. I didn't know of this during my students' days; I only knew that all my sifus were patriarchs in their respective arts.
Selected Reading
- Testimoial of Sabah Cosmos Chi Kung
- Stopping Rain and Experiencing Cosmic Reality
- Wu Yu Xiang Style Taijiquan
- Five Basic Kicks of Shaolin Kungfu
- Our Snaolin Wahnam Treasure -- One-Finger Shooting Zen