MAY 2023 PART 1

Pushing Mountain with Cosmos Palm
Question 1
I practise Pushing Mountains for Cosmos Palm and I noticed that after some time, the chi flowed in the Dan Tian when I breathed in and when I breathed out it followed the Small Universe course up the back to my arms.
— Sifu Roeland Dijkema, Shaolin Wahnam Netherlands
When you practice "Pushing Mountain for Cosmos Palm", it is natural for the Small Universe to circulate. This, if fact, is a progression. Only those attended a Small Universe course will experience it.Normally the Small Universe is on, but we don't realize it. It will flow at its best.
Question 2
I like to make scary faces and bite my teeth. I think an evil spirit might have entered my head through a hole when I got a head injury. Do you know how to handle evil spirits and demonic possessions?
— Bala, India
Don't worry about making scary faces, biting your teeth, and an evil spirit might have entered your head through a hole when you had a head injury. Always have good thoughts for yourself and other people.
I know how to handle evil spirits and demonic possessions if they are not very strong, but I prefer to teach chi kung and kungfu.

Grandmaster Wong
Question 3
I dreamt of you last night, or rather this morning, shortly before waking up.
Every now and then, I dream of getting ready to fly to Malaysia or being there learning from you. But tonight's dream was very special, and that's why I wanted to correspond with you.
It was during a course, I was taking a walk in the forest during our spare time, and there you were, standing behind me. You came up to me, I greeted you, and you only said a few words: "You're not so young anymore".
Your outlook was very youthful. You had very black hair, and wore a traditional Chinese attire, the longer robes. Your face was shining with life and vitality. You were not exactly young, but rather out of time, timelessly young, so to speak.
So this was the dream. I can anticipate my gratitude because you actually gave me a present, and a very special one. Thank you so, so much Sifu, as always.
Being your student is more than a privilege. May you, your lineage, and family always be blessed.
— Javier, Spain
It was a wonderful dream.
How old are you? I thought you were 50, but you look 30.
I gave everyone a present, you more than others. I give good health, happiness, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys. The present you have received is more than the dream you had.
You are welcome to Malaysia. You can come anytime.
Question 4
To be sure, learning from you, both chi kung and kungfu, was the best thing ever happened to me, only next to the affection of my family and friends.
I am currently 57, and after learning from you for 22 years, my health (be it physical, mental or emotional) is now much better than it was at 35.
Without any doubt, I am changed beyond recognition, not to mention so many spiritual joys, which is no minor issue.
I am expecting to go to Malaysia next November, with Trini and a Spanish group. Getting ready for another marvellous experience!
I am very happy that you have benefited much from learning from me. We must always be loving to our parents and kind to our friends and strangers.
You are only 57. You look 30.
How would you like to be a Shaolin Wahnam instructor teaching chi kung and kungfu? To be Shaolin Wahnam instructors, we have to speak from a position of strength and treat our students like our children.
You will be giving good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religions to other people. You have to pay me 10% of the fees collected, but you do this after you have 20 paying students.
It is important that we do not conflict with other instructors. We shall talk about this later.
Having no fear of physical death is a great achievement. Actually we never die, the souls go on until we attain Enlightenment or by any other names the term is called.
You are welcomed to Malaysia any time. I hope that Trini's group is doing well.

Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course in Penang
Question 5
Here is another beautiful experience I wanted to share with you.
I gave this grasshopper a name: Ignacio. We became very fond of each other. I can speak for him too, I believe.
He even slept with me quite a few times, and was fond of sitting back on my hand, happy and careless. Not the kind of things I would have expected from a grasshopper.
Anyway, having his friendship alone was auspicious enough for me. Ignacio made me tremendously happy.
After six weeks with me, I dreamt of his death, which actually took place the very next day.
Your experience with Ignacio was beautiful. It was rare for a grasshopper to sit on your hand, happy and careless. Be ready to expect a leap forward coming up in your life.
It was an auspicious occasion that you dreamt of his death, which actually took place the very next day. As I have said earlier, we never die.
It was a spiritual experience. It would be good if you collect your spiritual experiences into a book.
Question 6
Your words are always an inspiration.
You are one of my proudest students. I have a few proudest students who will be the ones to carry on my work to posterity.
I told my wife some years ago that if I had nothing, I would have some proudest students to carry on my work.

Intensive Taijiquan Course in Penang
Question 7
I will be very happy to become a Shaolin Wahnam instructor. I still have to do the Intensive Courses on Taijiquan and Shaolin Kungfu if I want to become an instructor in those matters. I am so much looking forward to taking those two courses.
It is better if you start teaching after you have attended an Intensive Chi Kung Course, or an Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course, or an Intensive Taijiquan Course. It will be better if you attend an Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course as that is what Shaolin is famous for.
Meanwhile you can send your students to Trini or Manolo. I thought you learned from me directly, but if you learned from Trini you have to pay her 10% of the fees collected. I don't know how she collects her fees, but you can pay her any time or when you have 20 paying students. It is good to show our teachers that we value their teaching. We teach genuine Shaolin Kungfu at a high level; most other people teach gentle, physical exercise using external kungfu forms.
Our paying fees to teachers are as follows. 10% to the grandmaster and 10% to the teacher. In the next round, i.e. my grand-students who address me as "sigung", pay 7% to the grandmaster, 7% to their sigung, and 7% to their teacher.
Trini will be proud to receive your fees. Manolo is a good teacher. She learns from Lauda. There was an interesting story about Lauda.
When she attended the Intensive Taijiquan Course, at the time when a Mafael King attended who was a former free sparring champion; the Mafael King was rough with her. He asked me whether Taijiquan could be used for fighting, and I said "yes".
Taijiquan actually came from Shaolin. Zhang San Foong, who founded Taijiquan, came from Shaolin. So I had no difficulties when I learned Taijiquan.
We had a sparring session. I dotted a point in the head of the Mafael King, and he was dazed. He took sometime to recover, and he was an exemplary student after that.
Question 8
I have been doing some work as a healer.
You should take my Chi Kung Healing Course when I offer it. Chi Kung Healing is medicine for the future.
But Western pharmaceutical companies and Western trained doctors should not be concerned. They can be physically and psychologically rich if they sugar-coat their pills when Western trained doctors prescribe them which is speedier than learning chi kung.
In healing you should charge 3500 euros, which is ten times more. Dr Foong and Sifu Wong Chun Nga, my eldest son, charge a lot of money when treating so-called "incurable" diseases.
Busy people take medication, only people like us take chi kung.
Selected Reading
- Overcoming Cancer with Chi Kung!
- Spiritual Expansion into the Cosmos
- The Advantages of Using a Poise Pattern
- The Wonderful Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course
- Our First Taijiquan Combat Sequences in the 1980s