

Question 1

I enjoy every second of the practice and learned to take breaks if the over-training signs hit. I don't feel wrong anymore skipping a day of the practice if the previous one was too powerful.

— Name and Country Withheld

Editorial Note: Continue from .


Over-training is a serious problem in our school. Rest is important.

If you feel too powerful, you can rest a day or two. Talk to your parents. You can, if you like, ask them how they courted each other.

Question 2

Couple of times a week I practice the Small Universe in sitting meditation, following sigung's previous instructions.


You can practice the "Small Universe".

Also practice the "Big Universe". They go together.

You can practice the "Small Universe" more often than the "Big Universe".



Question 3

I attached a couple of small videos while I was testing the force. First one is about the candle inside the wine glass -- it was taken a year or two ago and I was still tense. Second one -- more relaxed, and the last one about the copper gong. I did not manage to make it sound, but hope it will happen with time.


The more relaxed and focused you are, the more forceful you become.

You will be successful in making a sound. I remember my third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, told me a real story. He was with an old master. There was no wind but when he waved his hand my sifu could feel the force of his hand.

My sifu then performed his "One-Finger Shooting Zen". The old master could feel the force of his finger.

The copper gong should face the other way round. If you are looking at the gong, you should face the smooth side (the other side is quite rough).

Question 4

It feels really great to have this opportunity and practice precious arts.


It is good to practice the precious arts.

"Practicing the precious arts is better than changing stones to gold by touch" so says a proverb.

I am very proud of the fact that the Venerable Jiang Nan and the Venerable Chee Seen came directly from the Shaolin Monastery, one at Quanzhou and the other at Jiulinshan.

One-Finger Shooting Zen

"One-Finger Shooting Zen" is a treasure of our school

Question 5

It is a sunny day in Ireland today, which makes me think as much as I and other students miss our trips to Malaysia.

— Paul, Ireland


It is great to hear from you. Malaysia always welcomes you.

Question 6

I wanted to ask your thoughts on some kungfu matters I wondered for a while.


I haven't met the Choy Gar Southern Praying Mantis kungfu master, and the White Crane kungfu master. It would be nice to meet them.

Internal force does not depend on size. In fact, the more forceful the instructor's internal force is, the more normal he appears to be.

The "Horse-Riding Stance" is an effective way to train internal force

Question 7

I wonder would you ever consider teaching a course in this style as you have with Eagle Claw, Baguazhang, Choy Li Futt and others?


I don't think I shall teach Southern Praying Mantis Kungfu or White Crane Kungfu. I shall concentrate more on intensive courses.

Question 8

Couple of demonstrations from the grandmaster. The other video is of a White Crane grandmaster. I knew little of this style, I have never met any practitioners of it.


The grandmaster of the school was known for his fighting prowess in Hong Kong when younger. I haven't known him nor his style.

I also have not known the White Crane grandmaster. Obviously, he has a lot of force, vitality and his style of kungfu.

Question 9

Wishing you and your family continued good health and happiness in Malaysia.


Thank you for your kind wishes. I wish you good health and happiness wherever you are.



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