Guan Yin Bodhisattva, picture taken from
Question 1
I think my wife will be a chi kung master one day. My mother also recently asked about your courses and hopes to attend one again soon.
Editorial Note: Sifu Roeland Dijkema's questions will continue from here and from here.
— Sifu Roeland Dijkema, Shaolin Wahnam Netherlands
I hope your wife can be a chi kung master and spread the art of chi kung. Chi flow is the essence of chi kung.
Most people practice gentle, physical exercise, but think that it is "chi kung". They haven't entered into a chi kung state of mind or a higher level of consciousness.
If they attain my Intensive Chi Kung Course, most people can enter into a chi kung state of mind and enjoy a chi flow within the first hour.
It will be nice if your wife and your mother can attend an Intensive Chi Kung Course. You can check my website.
Question 2
Recently I enjoyed reading your explanation of chi flow. I think this is one of the best, and most comprehensive explanations of chi flow. It could easily be a classic text that chi kung masters refer to hundreds of years from now.
Is it Necessary to have a Chi Flow after Practicing a Chi Kung Technique? is very useful.As I have said earlier, chi flow is the essence of chi kung. Most people practice gentle, physical exercise, but think that is "chi kung".
It is very kind of you to say that it can be a classic text that chi kung masters refer to hundreds of years from now. If you can generate a chi flow, you can overcome hundreds of diseases, including so-called "incurable" ones, as traditional Chinese medicine is based on physical and psychological functions. When there is chi, there is life.
More importantly, it contributes to your good health, vitality and longevity. We practice a very high chi kung; besides good health, vitality and longevity, we also have peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. Because of exponential progression, you are 16 better than ordinary people or when you didn't join Shaolin Wahnam.
16 times is quite a lot. I remember that when I was teaching, which was more than 25 years ago, I used to tell colleagues whose wife were working that they had double incomes.
But chi flow is one aspect of chi kung. There are other aspects.

Chi flow is the essence of chi kung
Question 3
I wonder if there is any deviation of chi kung practice that chi flow cannot remedy or is not ideally suited to correct.
In our school, we generally classify deviation into incorrect practice and wrong practice. Incorrect practice is when the practice does not follow instructions. Wrong practice is when the practice brings harm.
Incorrect practice does not bring harm, like those who practice gentle, physical exercise thinking it is "chi kung". They just waste their time.
Wrong practice brings harm. If you tense your muscles or think too much, it is wrong practice. The greater the deviations the more harm it brings.
Generally, chi flow can remedy both incorrect practice and wrong practice. If it is incorrect practice, chi flow can correct it. If it is wrong practice, chi flow will minimize the harm, and then correct the practice.
However, if the harm is very severe, like the one who imagines that snakes are attacking him, but actually there are no snakes, it needs special techniques to overcome the harm. Many instructors may not know these special techniques.
Chi flow, or energy or "chi" going to all parts of the body to activate them. This gives us good health, vitality and longevity -- the reason why we practice chi kung.
There in not one type, but many types of chi kung. If we do not enter into a chi kung state of mind, or a higher level of consciousness, we do get the benefits of chi kung. We merely waste our time.
Question 4
You have told stories about students hallucinating seeing snakes after chi entered the house of the brain from incorrectly practicing sitting meditation.
Sitting meditation is advanced. It is spiritual cultivation.
Sitting in a lotus position or sitting cross-legged is not meditation as myriad thoughts come to their heads.
The example of seeing snakes is serious. It needs advanced techniques.

Question 5
It's so lovely to welcome the flowers and be immersed by mother nature's beauty. I hope you and your family are keeping well.
— Parveen, Wales
Thank you for the lovely flower that you sent to me. It certainly brightens my day. And thank you for wishing me "Happy Spring Equinox".
My wife and I, my children and grand-children are well. We haven't been sick for a very long time -- more than 50 years.
Question 6
I realised that I booked Joel onto the very first course with you in 2007.
I didn't know it was you who booked Joel onto the very first course with me in 2007. He must have enjoyed the various courses as "being accomplished in the Shaolin is better than changing stones to gold by touch".

Southern Shaolin Monastery
Question 7
I'm so grateful how life has unfolded. It's taught me how to value myself and most of all to be loving kind and compassionate towards myself as well as others.
Guan Yin Bodh Satt, Immortal Li and other divine beings often come to bless us, for which we are eternally grateful. We must be kind and compassionate to others. It is very important that you must love yourself.
I am very happy that you have opened your heart, that your sister has healed from a serious life threatening disease, that your mum has found peace, joy and health, that your step dad has turned from violence to loving kindness.
Your grandmother is somewhere in the universe, and is very peaceful. She lived a beautiful life in the phenomenal realm.
Question 8
It was not a coincidence that you sent me an email at the very same time Joel opened up his heart and revealed how much pain he had.
Joel is a lovely person. You have to love him dearly, and by loving him he will recover from his childhood suppression.
Childhood was the time which shaped our lives. Being suppressed is certainly not beneficial.
Love is a wonderful thing. Loving him dearly will help him to recover from his suppression.
Walking is a good exercise. You need to walk more, but not too much. It will be nice to ask Joel to walk with you.
Question 9
Guan Yin Bodhisattva works in such mysterious ways.
Guan Yin Bodhisattva is wonderful. She often comes to bless us.
Your house was near your favorite garden which had the same vision in your Zen course. Guan Yin Bodhisattva statue disappeared. It was a good omen.
Joel introduced you to the "Art of Chi Kung" and you two practiced together. It is fun to practice together. You two can learn from the book.
Selected Reading
- Entering into a Chi Kung State of Mind
- Making Women Young and Beautiful
- The Meaning and Purpose of Shaolin Kungfu
- The Wonderful Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course
- Taijiquan against Fundamental Attacks