Shaolin combat application

Shaolin combat application

Question 1

Five years ago Carlos, about 80, got a prostate surgery and the biopsy detected a sleepy cancer cell. Doctors said to keep quiet.

But some months ago the cell awakes and has spread into 2 focuses of number 4 and another number 5, which is one fact that worries the doctor.

Five years ago he got a prostate surgery and the biopsy detected a sleepy cancer cell. Doctors said to keep quiet.

But some months ago the cell awaked and has spread into 2 fucuses of number 4 and number 5, which is the one that worries the doctor..

— Carmen, Spain


Western medicine is well known that cancer cannot be cured. I was awarded "Qigong Master of the Year" in 1997, more than 20 years ago, for my work in helping cancer patients recover from cancer.

You can read Cancer can be Overcome!, and Chi Kung: the Art of Developing Vital Energy.

Carlos has to practice three times a day -- once in the morning, once in the evening, and once at night. He must "enter into a chi kung state of mind" and must have a "chi flow".

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Question 2

Can I join your kungfu course?

— Bala, India


The choice is yours.

You can attain my Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course. But first you should attain my Intensive Chi Kung Course.

Once you attained the courses, you can practice on your own, and the courses will remain with you.

If you wish to become a member of Shaolin Wahnam, you need to abide by the 10 Shaolin Laws.

Question 3

Over the period of MCO (Movement Control Order) there was not much chi kung activity.

— Sifu Foong Tuck Meng, Holistic Health Cultivation Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Oil and gas is your business. Chi kung is your hobby.

Grandmaster Wong

Grandmmaster Wong in San Francisco

Question 5

But I have accepted one cancer patient last year by the name of Madame Tan (70 years old). She was diagnosed with breast, colon and ovary cancer.

The patient's daughter told me before her mom went to operate the breast and she became very weak. They spent more than 10 thousand dollars to purchase many types of medicine.

Just after a week of chi kung, she becomes strong, happy, with vitality and is alive.


Saving lives is excellent.

You should spend some time making your centre, the world centre for overcoming so-called "incurable" diseases.

Question 6

I understand from Sifu's teaching that we must always have noble thought avoid all evil thoughts.


We must have good thoughts all the time for ourselves and others. Good thoughts bring benefits and evil thoughts bring harm.

We could encourage the patient to practice at least twice a day, but the chi kung should be "low" according to our standards. It may be "high" to other people.

It is better to let the patient decide on his or her religion.

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Question 7

Is there any other things that we could advise patients to do?


The patient should practice at least twice a day and think of himself recovering.

Sending leaflets house to house is an effective method to promote the centre.

Question 8

Please advise whether this is correct. Name: Wong Kiew Kit, Bank CIMB, Account No. xxx.


I don't know whether the account no. xxx is correct. You can ask Wei Foong. She knows better than me.



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