Guan Yin Bodhisattva
Question 1
Yesterday I executed a couple of palm strikes aiming for a piece of peanuts lying on the table. Some of them moved.
Is the small stone hitting one of the methods of Cosmos Palm testing or developing?
It's a lot of fun.
Here is some water inside a closed bottle.
— Karol, Norway
Your palm should be gentle and soft, and red in colour. It becomes "hard" when you focus on internal force.
A small stone testing is one of the methods to indicate your internal force, but the palm should be gentle and red in colour.
Hitting a closed bottle with some water is an indication of internal force.
Question 2
I have been having tail bone pain for some time. Is there any remedy for it?
— Bala, India
I told you to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course, and then my Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course or Intensive Taijiquan Course. If you don't attend, then you miss a lot.
It is too troublesome to describe in detail what to practice.
Many people think that entering into a chi kung state of mind is easy. It needs skills and not techniques. Even if they have the correct techniques, they don't have the skills and they don't practice chi kung exercises. They only waste their time.

"White Crane Falps Wings" of "Cosmos Palm"
Question 3
I have prepared a small gift as a show of my appreciation.
— Sifu Santi Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Allicante,, Spain
It makes me very happy to know you have shown appreciation.
"Solamente Una Vez" is my favourite song. There are many pictures in the video that I haven't seen before. It is a song that I value a lot.
Question 4
Thank you very much for your teachings, for all the good memories, thank you for sharing your wisdom, and for your patience.
— Paz, Spain
My aim is to give wisdom and compassion. We need to be kind to everyone, and always have good thoughts for ourselves and others.
Practice your chi kung and kungfu, especially Shaolin Kungfu. You must once a while, perhaps once a week, revise your Taijiquan. They are wonderful.
People not in our school think that they have entered into a chi kung state of mind. They wrongly think that to enter into a chi kung state of mind does not need much effort. They miss a lot, especially for their health, vitality and longevity.

"Chi kung state of Mind" is a necessary condition
Question 5
So I have been praying "Om Mani Padme Hum". And last night, when I recited it in my head before sleeping, I felt waves of energy flowing from my heart and then cosmic showers. I fell asleep in peace. Can mantras activate a Chi flow if we are students of Shaolin Wahnam? Is it possible to overtrain if I do this every day plus my daily practice?
"Om Mani Padme Hum" is very powerful. We must recite with sincerity and think of Guan Yin Bodhisattva blessing us. We must, however, do this occasionally.
As I have said, practice your chi kung and kungfu, particularly Shaolin Kungfu.
Question 6
My 10-year-old cat was diagnosed with hypertension and they told me that I have to medicate her for the rest of her life, Or what other method could you recommend to me? How often would you suggest I do it?
Regarding your cat, there is no need to send her to a psychologist.
You can send her "chi" every day, smile at her from your heart, and have a gentle thought that she is going to be fine and healthy.
There is no need to open her energy points and no need to make a chi flow with her in your arms. Thoughts are real things, and they are very powerful especially if you think of them every day.

"Cosmic Shower"
Question 7
I remember once, some years ago, that Angel called me on the phone from his mother's house, telling me that he felt very weak and that he couldn't move from his bed.
When Angel was weak, giving him a "Cosmic Shower" was very powerful. You can use it occasionally but don't overdo it.
Question 8
One time I was doing my Chi Kung practice, and I came up with a smile from my heart. Later I smiled from the heart of some loved ones who were closed and sad. I felt they improved after that. Do you think that is correct?
When some loved ones are closed and sad, smiling from your heart is powerful. Thoughts are real.
Do not do that too often. When you feel that you have done enough for some loved ones, that is enough. But you have to practice your chi kung and kungfu every day.
Selected Reading
- The Unbelievable Chi Kung Intensive Coures
- VIP Chi Kung for Good Health, Vitality and Longevity
- Huge Difference between Shaolin Kungfu and Karate
- Shaolin Kungfu against Kick-Boxing and Taekwondo
- Avoding the Opponent's Strength and Attacking his Weaknees